![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
should be moved to refrigerated storage immediately
lower. A constant temperature will be maintained.
upon receipt at all points of destination.
Regardless of how photosensitized materiels are
materiels will never be permitted to stand on docks,
packaged, temperatures should be controlled in the
loading platforms, loading ramps, etc. The materiel
storage areas.
should be moved by refrigerated carriers and unloaded
d. Refrigeration. Refrigerated space always should
directly into refrigerated storage. In other words, all
be utilized for proper storage of photosensitized
photosensitized materiels should be maintained under
materiels. The required condition within the refrigerated
optimum temperature and RH condition from time of
space will be a maximum temperature of 50 . and
shipment from the manufacturer's plant until placed in
constant RH within the range of 30 to 60 percent.
use by the using activity to assure preservation in the
Leakage of moist air from the outside should be reduced
best condition for the longest period of time.
by using an air lock at the door. If the RH cannot be
held as required, the sensitized materiel should be
(3) Turnover. The objective should be to
placed in vaportight containers inside the refrigerators.
have as rapid a turnover as is economically possible
and to use photosensitized materials before the
e. Hazards.
expiration date. All packages of the photosensitized
(1) Harmful gases. Sensitized materiels will
materials are stamped by the manufacturer with an
be protected against harmful gases. High concentration
expiration date (month and year). This date gives the
life expectancy of the sensitized materials under normal
illuminating gas, mercury vapor, industrial gases,
nonrefrigerated storage conditions.
exhaust from engines, vapors of solvents, cleaners, and
Improper storage conditions can render these materials
turpentine can damage photographic emulsions.
useless long before the expiration date is reached.
(2) X-rays, radioactive, and atomic fission
Photosensitized material will be issued according to the
"Expiration Date" shown on the package. That is to say,
materiels near X-ray machines, radar, radioactive, or
the package with earliest expiration date will be issued
atomic fission radiation cannot be avoided, the materiel
first. Sensitized material stored under the optimum
will be placed in facilities shielded with an adequate
conditions specified herein will be issued for the
thickness of lead or other suitable barriers.
following period after the stamped expiration date:
f. Operations.
(1) Storage.
Immediately upon receipt,
photosensitized materiel will be stored under specified
Black and white
12 months
6 months
Graded paper
12 months
6 months
optimum conditions. These optimum conditions will be
Variable contrast paper
12 months
6 months
utilized at storage or holding points within the limits of
Color, camouflage detection, and
6 months
0 months
resources available.
Deviation from the optimum
infrared film
storage conditions for storage of photosensitized
Polaroid-type materiel
No extension
materiels is authorized whenever prescribed storage
facilities (refrigerated) are unavailable and the
Photosensitized materials will be tested in accordance
expenditure of resources to modify existing or construct
with the procedures and schedule as set forth in
new facilities for such purpose cannot be economically
service/agency Quality Control Standards. Materiels
justified. Photosensitized materiel will be placed on
which have not been used within this time period or are
shelves, dunnage, or pallets allowing sufficient space
suspected of damage in storage or handling will not be
between packages for adequate circulation of air.
discarded without being tested. Often only partial
Refrigerators utilized for photosensitized materiel will
impairment of speed and contrast will have taken place
not be used for the storage of food or water in any form.
and the materiel will still serve adequately for training or
Likewise, these materiels regardless of level of
noncritical use.
preservation and packaging will not be stored in damp
g. Storage of photographic chemicals.
basements, on damp ground, near escaping steam,
(1) The optimum storage conditions for all
steam pipes, boiler rooms, windows, on top floors of
photographic chemicals are at temperatures between 70
uninsulated buildings, or near other sources of heat.
. and 75 . and at an RH between 20 and 40
Each lot of materiels will be stored according to the
expiration date placed on the package by the
(2) Handling.
Photosensitized materiels
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