![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
impractical to apply preservatives to all types and parts
b. Photo tubes. Strong light levels and high
of electronic equipment, control of RH in storage areas
temperatures contribute to the deterioration of photo
is desirable for long-term storage. Fluctuating humidity
tubes. Photo tubes must be stored out of the direct light
and temperature causes condensation within the
and away from high temperature areas such as heaters,
equipment, which results in rust.
By the use of
dehumidified storage space, the life expectancy of the
c. Crystals. Crystals, when in storage, will not be
equipment is increased considerably and additional
stored adjacent to electrical wiring. Protection can be
preservation is reduced to a minimum. CH storage
afforded, if necessary, by storing each crystal in a metal
space is particularly desirable in areas having high
container or wrapping each crystal in metal foil.
humidity and where long-term storage is intended.
d. Magnetrons, klystrons, traveling-wave tubes,
Electronic materiel stored in dehumidified warehouses
ordinarily will not require additional preservation. In
must be stored away from magnetic fields which may be
dehumidified storage, open-framework packing cases
generated by adjacent equipment or wires. Interaction
can be used to provide complete ventilation.
of magnets must also be avoided; therefore, these items
(4) Assembly of complete units. To facilitate
must never be stored bare or without an inner and outer
stock control, issue, and inventory, complete equipment
will be stored as a unit. This is recommended also for
e. Tubes. Tubes will be stored in racks or bins
the storage of complete sets of spare parts. In some
with sufficient shelving to prevent crushing. Tubes will
instances, wave guides, antennas, and hoist
be stored in original cartons if possible. Special storage
mechanisms are too bulky to be stored with other
instructions on the outside of the tube shipping
components, but will be conveniently located so that
containers will be complied with as appropriate. When
such items will not be overlooked when the equipment is
moving tubes, sufficient protective shock absorbing
assembled for issue.
materiel will be used to prevent damage.
(5) Stock issue. Electronic materiel should
(1) Large glass tubes will be stored with
be stored in issuable condition and in such a manner to
extreme care to ensure maximum safety of personnel as
allow issue of older material first, to the extent
well as for maximum tube protection.
practicable. An effective method is to position new
(2) When storing tubes with fins, care must
receipts and stocks being rewarehoused in a fashion to
be exercised to prevent fm damage. If fins are crooked
permit ready access to older materiel by stock selection
or bent, attempts to realign them may affect tube
Storage managers should periodically
monitor stock issue procedures to ensure compliance at
(3) Shipping guards or dust covers are
the warehouse level.
commonly used to protect critical or fragile elements
from damage. These protective items must remain in
Photosensitized Materiels (Film and
place during storage.
Paper) and Flash Bulbs.
f. Other electronic materiel.
a. Sensitized
(1) Storage. Electronic equipment and bulk
photosensitized materiels are perishable and deteriorate
boxes of maintenance repair parts and components will
with age. Improper storage results in loss of emulsion
be palletized wherever practicable. Components can be
sensitivity, increased fog, inferior tone reproduction, and
stored on frame pallets, depending on the quantity, size,
other defects that may render the materiel useless. The
and shape of components to be stored. Long, heavy
presence in the storage area of heat, moisture, X-rays,
boxes of items such as wave guides and antennas
radioactive material, atomic fission radiation, and
should be kept in racks, preferably on rollers.
certain gases accelerate deterioration.
handling damages the package and ruins the contents.
(2) Temperature control.
Because the
Assets and consumption reporting on a quarterly basis,
precision components of electronic equipment are
rapid turnover, and careful handling will maximize the
susceptible to corrosion, mold, and fungus growth,
usage of this commodity.
temperature control is desirable in all warehouses where
this materiel is stored. A dry warehouse is essential. At
b. RH control. The required RH for sensitized
certain activities, temperature variance is so slight that
materiels ranges from 30 to 60 percent with 50 percent
mechanical controls need not be installed. A good
considered as ideal. A constant RH will be maintained.
temperature for the storage of electronic materiel is 70
c. Temperature control. Photosensitized materiels
will be stored at temperatures of 50 . or
(3) Humidity control.
Because it is
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