![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
separations. No flammable or combustible liquids will
contact with water. For most batteries, sprinklers are
be permitted within the battery storage area. Storage
preferred. The batteries are containerized; therefore,
locations should be selected that minimize personnel
water from the sprinkler system has the potential of
exposure; and locations should be approved by the base
suppressing the fire and preventing ignition of the
fire chief.
lithium metal should a fire actually occur in the facility.
However, for very large batteries such as the 10,000
3 Separate fire area within a
amp hour batteries used in some missile systems,
general storage facility. The lithium battery storage area
sprinklers are not a good idea. This is because if a cell
shall be separated from the remainder of the facility by
of a large battery ruptures, the quantity of lithium in
3-hour fire-rated construction (preferably masonry).
each cell is so great that the addition of water can cause
With the exception that quantities of two pallet loads or
a worse problem.
less may have only 2-hour fire-rated separations. No
(b) Firefighting. Personnel will not use
flammable or combustible liquids will be permitted within
water in an attempt to extinguish lithium fires. A dry
the battery storage area. Storage locations should be
powder (class D) portable fire extinguisher will be
selected that minimize personnel exposure, and
strategically maintained in the battery storage area to
locations should be approved by the base fire chief.
assist in firefighting efforts. Halon fire extinguishers
4 If the value at risk (building and
must not be used on burning lithium. Halon and lithium
contents at replacement cost) are considered and
react violently and release highly toxic compounds.
mission-essential materials are not present, a single
Some chemical solutions in the lithium batteries (e.g.,
pallet or less of lithium batteries may be stored in a
thionyl chloride) are extremely toxic. Installation-level
general-purpose storage area without the special fire-
medical services should be contacted to recommend the
rated cutoffs discussed above.
proper type of emergency respiratory protection required
(d) New or unused batteries.
with the extinguisher. Installation fire protection officials
1 Lithium batteries shall be stored
and the emergency response team shall be notified of
in individual/original manufacturer or shipping
facilities in which lithium batteries are stored.
containers, one item per package, to ensure that there is
(c) Storage facilities.
The storage
no direct contact between any two batteries or cells.
facilities shall be cool (where temperatures will not
Personnel engaged in storing, handling, or moving
exceed 130 ., well ventilated, and equipped with a
lithium batteries will exercise caution to avoid crushing
sprinkler system in accordance with para (a) above.
or puncturing any package.
Signs should be conspicuously posted where lithium
2 Due to the potential hazards
batteries are stored. The following storage facility
involved in the storage and handling of lithium batteries,
options are in descending order of preference:
the stock levels for these items shall be kept at the
1 The preferred location for
absolute minimum necessary to support mission
lithium battery storage is in flammable or hazardous
material storage facilities. The area used for the battery
(e) Used, damaged, or condemned
storage shall be separated from the rest of the facility by
a 3-hour fire-rated wall (preferably masonry), with the
1 Batteries in any of these
exception that quantities of two pallet loads or less may
categories will be stored temporarily (less than 90 days)
have only 2-hour fire-rated separations. Flammable or
and separately from serviceable assets. Storage in
combustible locations should be selected that minimize
excess of 90 days must be in an RCRA permitted
personnel exposure and locations should be approved
hazardous waste storage facility (interim or final).
by the base fire chief.
Batteries will be packaged and processed for turn in to
the DRMO prior to temporary storage, according to DOD
The following options should only
4160.21-M, Defense Utilization and Disposal Manual.
be considered as a temporary fix
Normal fire protection and safety requirements apply to
until optimum storage can be
materiel stored in any of these categories.
2 Used, damaged, or condemned
2 Separate fire area in a storage
batteries must be managed under the hazardous waste
shed or ventilated locker. The lithium battery storage
regulation pertaining to accumulation time and facility
area shall be separated from the remainder of the
holding requirements. The environmental coordinator
facility by 3-hour fire-rated construction (preferably
should be notified whenever a battery is
masonry), with the exception that quantities of two pallet
loads or less may have only 2-hour fire-rated
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