![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-23. Wood dunnage for stacking vehicles in storage.
being incapable of moving the same item up even a
slight grade. Such conditions will cause damage to the
(2) Fork extensions and adapters. By adding
towing vehicle. The same logic applies when towing
items over rough, uneven terrain. Considerably more
II), it becomes possible for the truck to handle larger and
effort must be exerted when towing an item over rough
bulkier items which it might otherwise not be capable of
terrain than when towing the same item on a smooth,
Considering the extended load centers
level surface since the towed item's drag (inertia) is
involved, care must be taken to assure that the forklift
more on rough terrain (see chap 4, sec IV).
truck is not overloaded. Fork adapters may also be
used for handling some vehicles and artillery pieces.
Fork adapters are similar to fork extensions except that
(4) Towing equipment.
they are designed to accommodate specific types or
styles of undercarriage configuration.
As with
(a) Prime movers. There are two basic
extensions, when using adapters and extended load
types of prime movers, either of which, when properly
centers are involved, caution must be exercised to
outfitted, may be used to tow or push even the heaviest
assure that the forklift truck is not overloaded.
vehicles and artillery. One is a pneumatic-tired, diesel-
(3) Towing in storage.
Towing offers a
powered industrial tractor with four-wheel drive which
distinct advantage over handling by MHE since, in many
can operate on rough terrain as well as on improved
instances, towing may be accomplished by means of
surfaces (fig 5-24). The other common type of prime
nonspecialized equipment already on hand. However,
mover is the tracked tractor (fig 5-25) which can also
towing is a preferred method of movement only when
operate on rough terrain as well as on improved
item preservation will not be adversely affected by
However, tracked tractors can damage
moving the item on its own wheels or tracks. Care must
improved surfaces unless their tracks are filled with
be exercised in the selection of a towing vehicle with
rubber track blocks (fig 5-26).
adequate capacity (drawbar pull). A towing vehicle may
be capable of moving an item on level ground while
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