![]() TM 38 400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
(34) Railcars will not be pushed or pulled with
(14) Operators must keep three truck or tractor
MHE except railcar-mounted cranes or other equipment
lengths behind other vehicles.
designated for this purpose.
(15) Speed in warehouses will not exceed 5
(35) Push poles will not be used to move or
miles per hour.
place materials or objects of any kind. Approved
(16) Feet must be kept inside the running line
devices adopted by the activity for use in materials
of a truck or tractor.
handling by industrial tractors are exempt from this rule.
(17) Operators must drive to the right
b. Fork trucks. The following operating rules are
whenever possible.
applicable to fork trucks:
(18) They must slow down at cross aisles and
(1) Operators will not fix or adjust any
intersections and sound the horn or gong before
mechanical parts.
This rule may be modified at
When vision is obstructed by doors,
installations where no repairman is employed and where
corners, and elevators, the horn or gong must be
a specific operator is known to have competence to
make minor adjustments. If a fork truck is not running
(19) Operators must come to a stop and sound
properly, the supervisor should be called immediately.
horn at exits.
(2) Check the security of overhead safety
(20) Operators should sound horn when
guard and back rest.
approaching pedestrians, but should not use the horn
(3) Never use the fork truck to carry loads for
unnecessarily. The horn should be sounded only as a
which it is not intended; use the right truck for the job.
(4) No passengers will be allowed on fork
(21) Operators should not start, stop, or turn
trucks suddenly.
(5) It is not permissible for anyone to "ride"
(22) They should approach elevators at a right
the load being handled by a fork truck. This includes
angle; stop 5 or more feet from the elevator gate and
"riding" a load being raised or lowered. If a person must
wait for a signal from the elevator operator before
be lifted to reach stock or material, they will stand on a
entering. Hands and feet must be kept away from the
safety pallet (equipped with guard rails) placed on the
controls when on the elevator.
forks; the supervisor must give the order and assume
(23) Operators should face in the direction in
which they are traveling and should never back up
(6) Rest forks on the ground or floor when the
without first facing in that direction.
machine is not in use.
(24) They should slow down on wet or slippery
(7) When going down a grade or ramp with a
floors; and (25) Avoid bumping into objects, especially
load, back down; go forward up a grade or ramp.
in backing; (26) They should never park on railroad
(8) When traveling empty or loaded, be sure
tracks or in no parking areas.
that the forks are raised just high enough to avoid any
(27) Operators must not use the reverse
obstructions on the floor, yet low enough to permit a
control for brake or run the battery beyond its rated
clear view ahead. Mast should be tilted backward.
(9) No counterweighting of the fork truck to
(28) They should not spin the wheels or race
increase lifting capacity will be permitted.
the engine; (29) Ride or slip the clutch.
(10) Forks should always be the same distance
(30) Operators should always keep the
from the center of the supporting crossbar.
machine clean.
(11) Check the load before moving or lifting to
(31) They should not drive with wet or greasy
make sure that no material will fall.
(12) Balance the load and tilt the mast
(32) Pushing one piece of machinery with
backward to prevent tipping.
another in order to get it started is strictly prohibited,
(13) Never permit anyone to stand under
except under the direction and in the presence of the
suspended loads.
(14) Watch out for others; make sure that all is
(33) Operators should never attempt to enter a
clear before setting down a load.
building through a partially opened door. The door will
be fully opened before proceeding.
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