![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
stressed. The operating rules listed in this paragraph
fore the truck is driven over a load, the hoist shoes must
are examples of typical rules.
be swung outward. The truck must be driven carefully
over the load and stopped so that the hoist shoes are
midway along the sides of the load. Then with the gear
a. All equipment. The following operating rules are
shift lever in neutral, the hoist shoes are swung into
applicable to all MHE:
contact with the bolsters on which the load is tacked and
(1) No truck or tractor car be safer than the
the hoist is engaged. (If the swing of the shoes is
person who is operating it. For this reason, only
automatic with the hoist, or if the truck has rigid shoes,
authorized, properly trained and licensed persons will be
the engagement of the hoist will raise the load.) If
permitted to operate industrial trucks and tractors.
necessary, the booster lever is used to assist in raising
(2) As soon as the operators go on duty, they
the load.
should check the condition of the equipment. Operators
i. Moving the load. When the load is securely in
will be required to inspect the brakes, steering
position, the truck may be moved either forward or
apparatus, horn, oil, gas, and water. Defects noted
backward, as desired. When the load is to be carried a
should be reported immediately to the supervisor. The
considerable distance, the truck should be driven
operator will have authority to refuse to move an
forward. The truck must be driven only over solid
improperly loaded truck or tractor or one which is not in
ground. Hitting an obstruction may spill the load or
safe mechanical condition.
seriously damage the truck. A truck carrying a load
(3) Insofar as practicable, each operator
which extends ahead or behind the truck may be difficult
should be assigned to a specific truck or tractor and
for the trainee to maneuver. For this reason, the trainee
should be held responsible for it. No equipment will be
should first practice moving relatively short loads. Also,
operated by anyone other than the person to whom it is
the new operator must be cautioned not to stop the truck
abruptly. A sudden stop can cause the load to slide out
(4) Operators will not permit their equipment
from the carriage and result in serious accidents.
to be operated by unauthorized, unlicensed personnel.
j. Placing the load. The trainee should next
(5) No engine will be left running while the
practice placing the load in various positions designated
operator is off the truck or tractor or when the vehicle is
by the instructor. The truck must be at full stop before
parked within a building. The engine should always be
the load is spotted. Loads must never be dropped to the
stopped and the hand brake set.
ground, but must be lowered gradually under power. If
(6) Equipment will always be taken out of the
the truck is equipped with swinging shoes which do not
building to obtain gasoline. Under no circumstances is it
swing out automatically as the hoist is lowered, the
permissible to refuel gasolinedriven vehicles inside
shoes must be swung outward before driving away from
warehouses. During the refueling operation, smoking is
the load. The trainee must avoid placing the load in
prohibited in the area.
such a position that they cannot drive the truck away
from it. As an illustration, a careless operator may
(7) Gasoline tanks will not be filled while the
maneuver the truck into a limited space, lower the load,
engine is running.
and then find that they cannot back the truck far enough
(8) Before restarting an engine, all spilled
to turn it and drive away.
gasoline will be cleaned up.
k. Special handling jobs. The training should be
(9) A fire extinguisher must be on hand when
completed with practice in handling the truck for special
operators are filling gasoline tanks. All operators should
jobs and under unusual circumstances that might be
know how to use a fire extinguisher.
encountered. If extremely long pieces of lumber are
(10) At the outset, all loads to be moved will
occasionally carried by the truck, or if it must, at times,
be inspected. The operator should not overload; should
operate in unusually restricted areas, trainees should
not move a questionable load; should avoid carrying
practice operation under these difficulties and
loose material; and should refuse to move unsafe loads.
understand the problems and dangers involved.
(11) Each operator must know the load
capacity of his machine.
4-41. Operating Rules.
(12) Each operator must ensure that the load
is well balanced before moving.
During training sessions, operating rules applicable to
(13) Speeding, stunt driving, and "horseplay"
individual types of equipment should be
will not be permitted.
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