![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 4-116. Approaching a pallet. Forks must
Figure 4-117. In one maneuver, the trainee spots a
enter at an equal distance from the center stringers.
pallet load on a right angle drawn on the floor. This
must be done with no more than 2 inches of lost
(2) Inserting forks. The forks of the truck
should be inserted into the pallet as far as they will go.
It is important that the operator have the load as close to
One swing is all the maneuvering that is permitted to
the heel of the fork as possible.
place the load. The instructor should demonstrate each
(3) Lifting and moving the pallet. The trainee
operation before turning the fork truck over to the
should be instructed how to apply the lift control to lift
trainee. Upon completion of a maneuver by the trainee,
the pallet from the floor, apply the tilt control to tilt the
the instructor should point out those actions that were
mast back, and then apply the travel controls to move
performed correctly and make appropriate comments on
the machine forward or backward.
those that were not. In the problem of spotting a pallet
(4) Lowering the pallet. The trainee should
load at a right angle in one maneuver, the instructor will
be shown how to lower the pallet to the floor and then tilt
point out that extra backing and shifting causes the
the mast to a vertical position so that the forks can be
greatest loss of time in a fork truck operation. If
removed easily.
operators are trained to spot a load on the first
(5) Using the mast tilt. Demonstrate how the
approach, this time loser will be eliminated. The one-
tilt is used to achieve the following:
swing maneuver is accomplished by having the eye
follow the path of the drive wheel on the inside of the
(a) Lean the load against the back rest
turn. As the center of pivot of the machine lies on the
for stability during movement.
line formed by the drive axle, it is obvious that the drive
(b) Position loaded pallets during
wheels are the key to the actual spotting of the load.
After several attempts, each trainee should be able to
b. Load handling maneuvers for trainees.
spot a load on the right angle with no more than 2
(1) Lesson one.
inches of lost space.
(a) The trainee lifts a pallet load with
(b) The next step is to spot a pallet load
the fork truck and, after making a turn around the
adjacent to another. This also must be performed in
training area, spots the load on a right angle drawn on
one swing of the machine. The fork truck approaches
the floor (fig 4-117).
the stack (pallet load on the floor) by crossing in front of
the stack rather than by approaching from the opposite
side toward that stack (fig 4-118). If the stack is
approached from the opposite side, the pallet load will
move away from the stack when the fork truck is turned
to set the
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