![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 4-109. Typical MHE control board.
published instructions which represent minimum
Efficient control will generally result in
utilization expectations from the basic type of mobile
strategic placement or dispersal of equipment.
powered MHE.
Equipment should be moved, as required, to satisfy
The procedure outlined below provides a
operational demand as determined by workload
suggested means for the compilation and reporting of
conditions. Normal dispatch of equipment to a user is
data pertaining to the utilization of powered MHE.
for the accomplishment of a specific job; therefore,
when the operation is completed, the equipment should
administration of the installation concerned is
become available for other use. However, this does not
responsible for the allocation of powered MHE in
preclude the assignment of equipment, as required, to
operations which need equipment periodically
accordance with the needs of each installation, for
throughout the entire day.
In each instance,
providing technical supervision and guidance in
equipment utilization, and initiating remedial action
administrative control of equipment should remain
where appropriate. There should also be a central office
vested in a central office responsible for MHE.
of control, designated above installation level, who can
e. Reports and reports procedure.
Monitor the program for the reporting of
With due consideration to the fact that
MHE utilization.
MHE is a service to the operations being performed and
Consolidate and analyze the data
the full potential from each piece of equipment cannot
obtained from the reports.
be expected, a generally acceptable method for
Prepare a consolidated summary report of
analyzing equipment utilization and fleet quantity is the
MHE utilization, as required.
conversion of overall fleet activity to hours of operation
expressed as a percentage of the utilization potential
during an 8hour work period.
Each service has
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