![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.42
4-14. Bins.
a. Static shelving.
shelving. The shelves can be either fixed or adjustable.
Bins are used in small parts or loose issue storage
Of course, adjustable shelves provide the most
areas. Bins are available in various widths and depths
to accommodate different size materials. The standard
b. Drawers.
Individual drawers can provide
unit is 7 feet high. Cube utilization can be improved by
security for very small items. The drawers may even be
double decking these units and using order picker
fitted with special inserts to segregate items to ease
vehicles to access material (fig 4-88).
c. Cabinets. Cabinets can also be useful in small
parts storage. The use of special cabinets can provide
the same security and segregation as a drawer for
slightly larger items.
4-15. Racks.
which provides a support for pallets that is independent
of lower loads. It is used where the material to be stored
is: not strong enough to support a superimposed load;
irregular in shape; too small for bulk storage and too
large for bin storage; or desirable to be removed from a
lower tier without disturbing upper tiers.
Figure 4-88. Bins.
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