![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
gasoline-powered vehicle used exclusively as a load
carrier. It may be used to supplement a forklift truck in
the same manner as the tractor-trailer train depending
upon the size and weight of the load and the distance
the load is to be moved. In addition to transporting
supplies, the truck may be used as a portable servicing
unit when equipped with spare parts and tools or with
gasoline and oil dispensing facilities. The standard
gasoline-powered model, equipped with pneumatic tires,
has a load capacity of 4,000 or 6,000 pounds. The
electric-powered, usually equipped with solid-rubber
tires, has a load capacity of 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000
b. Truck, burden carrier, electric, pneumatic tires.
The burden carrier is an electrical truck available in
three or four-wheel models. The burden carrier has a
platform for cargo. It has a capacity range to 7,000
pounds and is used to transport loads over a long
distance. For continuous use, optional rollout batteries
Figure 4-27. Crane truck, warehouse, gasoline.
can be used (fig 4-28).
4-8. Horizontal Transport Equipment.
a. Truck, fixed platform, gasoline or electric. The
platform truck is a nonelevating electric- or
Figure 4-28. Truck, burden carrier, electric, pneumatic tires.
Drawbar pull, which is the motive force that the tractor
c. Warehouse Tractors. A warehouse tractor is an
can exert in pushing or pulling loads, is merely a means
electric or gasoline powered vehicle designed to pull a
of indicating tractor capability, and the actual capacity of
train of warehouse trailers. Gasoline-powered models,
the tractor is normally far in excess of the drawbar pull
equipped with pneumatic tires, have a rated drawbar
rating. A tractor with a drawbar pull of 4,000 pounds
pull from 4,000 to 7,500 pounds. Electric-powered
may, for example, have an actual towing capacity of 90
models with solid-rubber tires have a rated drawbar pull
of 2,000 to 4,000 pounds.
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