![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
shipped fit a closed truck, van, or trailer without side
slack or end slack, particularly when the front end is
rounded or curved. In most instances, slack may be
taken up with bulkheads or dunnage.
Need for good equipment. Generally, a carrier
has several types of vehicles, one of which may be
c. Difficulty of tie down. The construction of
suitable or more adaptable to the commodity to be
present day closed trucks, vans, and trailers does not
shipped. It is the joint responsibility of the shipper and
facilitate tight loading, blocking, or bracing.
the carrier to make every effort to assure safety in
commercial-closed trucks, vans, and trailer bodies are
transit as well as safe arrival at destination.
made of aluminum, plywood, or other thin metal shells
designed to protect the materials from weather in transit.
3-78. Loading.
Ordinarily, provision is not made for the essential
requirements of blocking, bracing, or tiedown. The safe
bracing of high center of gravity items in closed trucks,
a. Importance of proper loading. The delivery of
vans, and trailers presents a problem calling for good
truck and trailer shipments in good condition depends, to
judgment, ingenuity, and sound workmanship to assure
a large extent, on the manner in which the vehicle was
safe arrival of these items at destinations.
loaded and on the care that was taken in preparing the
d. Variation in vehicles.
Physical dimensions,
vehicle for loading. Personnel responsible for loading,
capacities, weight limitations, and load distribution of
blocking, and bracing freight should have available for
trucks and trailers vary greatly.
These variations
use and be familiar with the rules for the proper loading
preclude the covering of all types of loads. Accordingly,
and servicing of shipments. Shipments of explosives
the methods or procedures described must be
and ammunition will be loaded in accordance with
considered typical and will be adapted to individual
approved procedural publications/drawings issued by
loads of various commodities, as required.
the military services.
b. Tight loading. The most important single factor
3-79. Balanced Load.
contributing to the prevention of damage in truck and
Equal distribution of load is just as important in
trailer loading is that of tight loading, which cannot be
truckloading as in carloading. The importance of weight
Rarely does the material to be
distribution is shown in figures 3-31 and 3-32.
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