![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
assigned storage time period which may be extended
are compatible with the prescribed usage of each
after the completion of prescribed inspection and/or
restorative action.
(3) It is extremely important that material
(1) Storage personnel are responsible for
condition tags/labels be protected from being removed,
executing the control program as directed by the
defaced, mutilated, or altered to avoid duplication of
inventory manager. Effective shelf-life control at the
work in redetermining the condition and identification of
warehouse level requires vigilance on the part of all
the material.
personnel, careful supervision, and understanding of the
(4) These tags and labels may be obtained
intent of the controlling procedures. Shelf-life items will
through normal supply channels.
be identified on storage records by the assigned
Table 3-4. Listing of Material Condition Tags,
shelf-life codes. Warehousing practices should permit
Labels, and Instructions
ready access to oldest stocks and controls will be
Material Condition Tags
established to ascertain that the releasing authority's
and Labels
directives, as to which stock to issue, are followed.
DD Form 1574 (Service-
To identify serviceable materiel in
Stocks and records will also reflect appropriate condition
able Tag-Material)
condition codes A, B, and C.
codes. Normally, shelf-life items will be issued on a
DD Form 15741 (Serv-
FIFO basis although exceptions to this policy may be
iceable Label-Material)
necessary when circumstances require.
DD Form 1577-2 (Un-
To identify unserviceable materiel
(2) Stocks other than shelf-life items should
serviceable (Reparable)
that is potentially restorable to a
also be rotated by use of FIFO principle wherever
usable condition. This includes
material in condition codes E, F,
c. Exercising.
Storage serviceability standards
and G.
may require exercising of certain equipment (e.g.,
DD Form 1577-3 (Un-
weapon recoil mechanisms, certain vehicles, certain
serviceable (Reparable)
aircraft components, etc.). These exercising actions
must be done when required.
DD Form 1577 (Unserv-
To identify unserviceable materiel
d. Special material condition marking. Material
iceable (Condemned)
that is condemned as unsuitable
condition tags/labels, DD Form 1574 series, DD Form
for restoration to a usable condi-
1757 series, DD Form 1576 series and DD Form 1577
tion (condition codes H and P).
series, (MIL-STD-129) will be used to identify material
DD Form 1577-1 (Un-
when material may possibly become mixed during
serviceable (Con-
maintenance, storage, or shipment within (or between)
demned) Label-Mate
installations or when physical evidence of inspection is
necessary for material control to prevent duplicate
DD Form 1575 (Sus-
These forms/labels are not for
pended Tag-Material)
indiscriminate use on material that presents no problem
DD Form 1575-1 (Sus-
To identify material that is sus-
in storage or transfer. The five material condition tags
pended Label-Material)
pended (stocks awaiting classi-
and five material condition labels to be used in
fication, returned material await
identifying material are itemized and their use explained
ing classification, or stock held
on table 3-4. To preclude inadvertent shipment of
pending negotiation or litigation
unserviceable or condemned material, such material
(condition codes J, K, L, and Q)).
should be stored separately from serviceable material.
DD Form 1576 (Test/
To identify serviceable materiel
Modification Tag-Ma-
that requires test, alteration,
(1) The tags/labels conspicuously marked
modification, conversion, or dis-
assembly prior to issue
(condition code D).
or "TEST/MODIFICATION," as applicable, will contain
adequate information regarding the identity and
DD Form 1576-1 (Test/
condition of the item.
Modification Label-
(2) Any additional information or data
required to assist in depot material control may be
(5) Responsibility for authentication of
added to the tags/labels provided that such data
material condition tags/labels will be restricted to quality
assurance/quality control/inspection certified personnel.
3-45. Preservation and Packing Methods for
Material Protection.
COSIS inspection may generate a need for
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