![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
phase, a location survey, is done by comparing certain
ADP capability exists. Activities without this ADP
capability will require manual actions to alter locator file
data in actual warehouse locations with that in locator
The second phase, a location audit
records. Service/agencies will establish procedures and
documents to assure that the required data changes are
reconciliation, involves a reconciliation between the
validated storage activity locator records and the
addressed at the material location.
accountable activity stock record.
DOD 4140.35,
Physical Inventory Control for DOD Supply System
3-20. Special Requirements.
Material, is the basic document which requires these
Stock location systems require a periodic validation of
validations and establishes accuracy levels for the
locator record data to ensure accuracy. This validation
survey an audits.
is accomplished in two phases. The first
Section IV. Pest Management
DOD Directive 4150.7, DOD Pest Management
3-21. Purpose and Scope.
Program, which directs installations to have written
This section provides guidelines to maintain an effective
installation pest management plans. Pest management
stored product pest management program.
consultants (PMCs) or certified pesticide applicators
management is an essential element in the overall care
implement these installation programs.
of supplies in land and sea-based storage.
Many types of supplies are susceptible to infestation and
a. Supply and subsistence managers:
damage by insects, rodents, birds, and other pests.
(1) Comply with recognized standards for
Methods and equipment normally are not available to
storage configuration and housekeeping.
the consuming organization to permit reclaiming
(2) Implement
infested stock or provide adequate control measures.
consulting and inspecting authorities.
Therefore, supply economy and troop health and morale
(3) Notify the pesticide applicator when pest
require that supplies not be contaminated or damaged
infestations are detected and immediately isolate the
by pests upon receipt.
infested product by removing or covering it.
(4) Ensure final disposition of infested
subsistence based on determination made by medical
inspecting authority in accordance with MIL STD-904
The primary objective of stored product pest
series, "Guidelines for Detection, Evaluation, and
management is to prevent or minimize loss of supplies.
Prevention of Pest Infestation of Subsistence." (5)
This objective is achieved through the segregation and
Ensure final disposition of infested nonsubsistence in
arrangement of infestible products, good housekeeping
accordance with applicable quality assurance guidelines.
practices, regularly scheduled inspections by trained
personnel, and use of appropriate pesticides, pesticide
b. Inspecting/reporting authorities (Army veterinary
dispersal equipment, and other control measures. Pest
food inspector, Air Force environmental health officer,
management begins with the commodity production and
Navy entomologist, shipboard medical department
continues throughout its life. Monitoring pest-induced
representative, or preventive medicine technician):
supply losses is important in evaluating and maintaining
(1) Conduct routine inspections of stored
the effectiveness of the stored product pest
subsistence in accordance with MILSTD-904 series.
management program. An effective program uses
(2) Maintain
nonchemical and chemical control methods. A pest
subsistence losses and submit reports through
management program must actively involve concerned
appropriate channels in accordance with MILSTD-904
personnel at all levels:
storage, transportation,
inspection, pesticide application, and command.
c. PMCs
headquarters, major commands, facility engineering
field divisions, or area support activities:
(1) Provide technical and management
DOD policy is to establish and maintain an effective
guidance for installation pest management programs.
stored product pest management program at DOD
activities. This manual is consistent with
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