![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
number received. When a location already exists, the
a. Stock locator file. A stock locator file is the
material will normally be routed to that location upon
"heart" of a stock location system. It is an address
completion of identification and classification actions. If
directory for all stored material.
the quantity received obviously would not fit into the
(1) Existing records may be used to initially
existing location, the material will be routed to an
develop the locator file. However, to assure optimum
appropriate warehouse area for final location selection
accuracy, file establishment should include a complete
by the warehouseman.
wall-to-wall survey of material on hand. Appropriate
(1) For receipts without an existing location, if
location information is then entered into the locator file.
a file of empty locations by size and type is maintained,
The file must contain a locator record for each item
this file will be used to prelocate applicable items. If
stored. A record should reflect, as a minimum, the stock
such a file is not maintained, the material will be routed
number, condition code, unit of issue, and location(s).
to the appropriate warehouse for selection of a final
Additional data may be entered as deemed essential to
location by the warehouseman.
operations (e.g., noun nomenclature, physical
security/pilferage codes, shelf-life codes, expiration
(2) Placing material into an existing location,
dates, or lot numbers).
establishing a new location, or deleting a location
requires feedback to the locator file control activity. For
(2) Procedures must be established to ensure
this purpose, receipts moving to the storage location will
positive control of all additions deletions, and changes
be accomplished by either an approved service/agency
to the locator file. Effort must also be directed to
form, or a copy of the receiving document. The
limiting the number of stock locator records. This can
document accompanying the material to storage must
be done, in part, by selecting storage locations which
be annotated by the warehouseman with the final
can hold the total quantity onhand. Intelligent selection
location data and returned to or through the locator file
of locations for stock issues
control activity for proper recording.
consolidation of multilocation material into fewer or into
a single location will also aid in reduction of locations
c. Issue of material. EAM or ADP computer
per item.
generated issue documents may have material locations
printed on stock selection documents. Activities without
(3) The site of the locator file will depend on
this capability must screen the locator file and manually
the installation layout and the type of stock locator
annotate locations. For general supply items, when the
system used (i.e., maintained by manual means or by
quantity selected reduces the location balance to zero,
use of Electronic Accounting Machine (EAM) or ADP
the warehouseman will prepare a location delete action
equipment). The file could be located in an appropriate
on the appropriate service/agency form and forward it to
storage operation, in a central machine processing
the locator file control activity.
Because of item
office, or as part of central computer records. There
configuration or replenishment frequency, certain
will, however, be only one locator file maintained except
locations may be designated as permanent and not
when a supplementary file is necessary for control of
require deletion when temporarily empty. Criteria and
security items.
procedure for control of this will be established by each
(4) Activities without an EAM or ADP
capability or activities which store only a small number
d. Location changes.
Warehousing actions
of items may use a locator file system which is
maintained entirely on a manual basis. Location data
frequently involve movement of stored material into a
maintained on ADP equipment can be available almost
new location or consolidation with similar material in
instantaneously by use of certain ADP remote inquiry
existing location(s). The location additions or deletions
The EAM and ADP methods can
caused by these actions will be immediately annotated
mechanically or automatically provide, in varying
degrees, related supply documentation such as labels,
service/agency form and forwarded to the locator file
stock selection forms, material movement forms, and
control activity.
inventory count cards. Use of EAM and ADP equipment
e. Changes to data elements in locator file.
will minimize actions and provide speed and accuracy in
Changes to standard elements of management data in
processing location actions and in the maintenance of
the locator record such as stock number, physical
the locator file.
security/pilferage code, shelf-life code, etc., may be
b. Receipt of material. Upon receipt of material,
accomplished automatically based on centralized
the locator file will be screened for the stock
service/agency data broadcasts when
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