![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Checking Incoming Material.
should be made for the reporting of items and packaging
a. Tallying incoming material. Accurate checking
discrepancies, as defined in AR 735-11-2/DLAR
for the number of containers and apparent damage to
4140.55/NAVMATINST 4355.73/ AFR 400-54/MCO
material is a basic receiving action. Material should be
4430.3. A SF 361 (Transportation Discrepancy Report)
tallied concurrently with the unloading operation. The
will be prepared to report over, short, astray, damaged
inbound receipt document is generally used as the tally
freight, or other types of transportation discrepancies, as
record. Bar code equipment used at this point can
defined in AR 55-38/NAVSUPINST 4610.33/AFR 75-
enhance accuracy (see sec V, para 3-36). When such
18/MCO P4610.19/DLAR4500.15. Photographs
equipment is not available, a blank copy of the receipt
extremely valuable and should be used when details of
document may be used to record and tally. When a
the discrepancy cannot be adequately explained or can
blank copy is used for record and tally purposes, all
be more fully supported by such documentation.
available information pertaining to the receipt will be
Additional inspection will be performed at the discretion
inserted in the appropriate portions of the form. The
of the service/agency concerned.
tally count may be made by lining through the numbers
(2) The inspection-at-destination directives of
around the border of the inbound document and circling
the military services dictate whether a complete or a
the number of missing packages; or it may be
sample inspection is required.
accomplished by the stroke tally method or by the
(3) If the point of acceptance is at source,
recording of container quantities using the reverse side
exterior containers (except for classified items and small
of the document as a worksheet. The quantity of
arms) need not be opened unless there is evidence of
supplies actually unloaded and accounted for must be
tampering, damage during transit, or other indications
reported as received. In many instances, full truck and
that warrant such action. Classified items and small
freight car shipments of items packed in uniform
arms will require a 100 percent verification of quantity
quantities may be checked by the pallet load as they are
received by opening containers and physically viewing
removed from the conveyance.
This method of
container contents (see sec VIII of this chap). Similarly,
checking is particularly advantageous for all unloading
sealed inner containers need not be opened unless
operations where the unit load method has been used by
there is a justifiable reason.
the shipping activity.
(4) Repackaging and marking of receipts may
b. Inspecting supplies.
be necessary if they are received in damaged
(1) Once unloading has begun, damaged
containers or in containers unsuitable for proper storage.
containers should be set aside for examination by
Opening and repacking may also be required if there is
technically qualified personnel. In addition to these
any question concerning the contents of the container.
inspections, an SF 364 (Report of Discrepancy)
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