![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
805) will be submitted for each installation site or
requests concerning storage space availability or
activity. These reports will include the total amount of
storage space management information.
storage space of the installation, regardless of the
identity of the occupants, except space used for
(e) Review all requests and responses
on the availability of storage space with a view toward
(a) Bulk petroleum storage.
achieving optimum use of existing DOD storage assets.
(b) Base exchange storage.
(c) Installation
(f) Recommend system improvements
to ASD (L).
Clothing and small stores storage.
(2) The DOD Components shall submit DD
Forms 805 in accordance with the provisions of this
Commissary storage.
Bench and backup shop storage.
Transit sheds and open areas at
c. Reporting requirements.
exclusively for cargo throughput
(4) DOD Components shall provide the Chief,
(1) Each installation having 1,000,000 gross
Depot Operations Support Office (DOSO), Defense
square feet (GSF) or more of warehouse space owned
General Supply Center, ATTN: DOSO-DOI, Richmond,
or ingranted for their use or any tenant of an installation
VA 23297-5000, reports prepared on DD Form 805 for
having 1,000,000 GSF or more ingranted to them must
installations meeting the criteria of paragraph (1) above.
report semiannually as of 30 June and 31 December.
(Installations will report to higher authority in accordance
Reports may be submitted for installations having less
with the format and guidance directed by their
than 1,000,000 GSF of covered storage space if the
respective Component Headquarters.) The data will be
DOD Component considers the installation to be of
transmitted via AUTODIN.
DD Form 1392, Data
significant logistic importance by reason of mission
Message Form, will be completed and submitted with
assignment, location, or activity. It is the responsibility
DD Form 805 data in 80-column format (see para e
of each DOD Component to maintain storage space
below) to your local communications center for
visibility for installations having less than 1,000,000
transmission to DOSO. The routing indicator code for
GSF of covered storage space.
this activity is RUQADGA, with a content indicator code
(2) DOD standard data elements and codes
of IAAA. This information is annotated in the addressee
shall be used in complying with this reporting
requirement when applicable. DOD Components shall
(5) This reporting requirement has been
identify installations in the Installation Code Block on DD
assigned RCS DD-MRA&L (SA&A) 1337.
Form 805 in accordance with JCS Pub 1-03.19, Joint
Reporting Structure, General Use of Miscellaneous
d. Preparation of the DD Form 805.
Subscription Form: Proponent ID. Other data elements
(1) The following general guidance is
used herein are subject to change after being disciplined
applicable to DD Form 805:
under the criteria outlined in DOD 5000.12-M, DOD
(a) DD Form 805 (fig 2-61) will be
Manual for Standard Data Elements.
locally reproduced on 81/2by 11-inch paper. Army users
(3) Reports shall be submitted not later than
can obtain this form through their normal publications
60 calendar days after June 30 and December 31 of
supply channels.
each year. Only one report (a single copy of DD Form
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