![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
occupied bin openings by size. Compute the cubic feet
pansion of sample size is to determine the percent
occupied by multiplying the cubic size (cu ft) of the
square feet vacant in the section. The sample size may
occupied openings by the quantity of occupied
then be expanded by this percent. For example, if 10
openings. The result is total cubic feet occupied by bin
percent of the net square feet is vacant, multiply that
percentage by the original sample size (i.e., .10 x 30 =
3) and inflate the sample by this amount (i.e., 30 + 3 =
(b) Open storage. The actual cubic
33). This, in itself, may not always be sufficient to
feet of material stored in open storage is preferred.
assure that the sample size will include the required
However, if the quantity of different items involved and
occupied grid openings.
Additional grid numbers,
the volume of this material is such as to create an
therefore, may be furnished as part of the planograph
undue manpower resource allocation, a statistical
The warehouse worker may then be
approach similar to that described in paragraph (4)
instructed to locate these on the planograph worksheet
above may be accomplished.
and complete the required sample.
(e) Select
2-14. DOD Storage Space Reporting.
numbers in the sequence provided by the computer or
from table 2-2 as appropriate and circle these numbers
a. Policy. It is the policy of DOD to maintain a
on the planograph worksheet. If table 2-2 is used, select
uniform, accurate storage space inventory and
a series of numbers from the table to correspond with
utilization reporting system to
the quantity of grids until the desired 33 grid numbers
(1) Identify gross, net, occupied, and vacant
(per example) are obtained. The numbers are read as a
storage space by type of storage.
book from left to right. The numbers underscored on
(2) Exchange compatible storage space data
among DOD Components to foster optimum use of
noted that numbers exceeding 651 are excluded from
DOD-owned space.
the process since there are only 651 grid openings in the
(3) Conduct
sampled section.
Government-wide storage space management and
(f) The selection of a starting point
distribution studies.
(i.e., column or row) should be accomplished in an
(4) Evaluate major storage space military
unbiased manner.
construction or modernization projects.
(g) The planograph worksheet will
(5) Identify future peacetime and contingency
serve as a guide and audit for the survey. Each
storage requirements.
encircled grid will be observed and the height of the
(6) Evaluate the extent to which storage
stack measured and recorded in the circle provided on
space policies are being implemented.
the planograph worksheet. Height will be recorded to
b. Responsibilities.
the nearest one half foot (e.g., 14 feet 5 inches should
be recorded as 141/2 feet, 15 feet 1 inch should be
(1) The Assistant Secretary of Defense for
recorded as 15 feet, etc.).
Logistics (ASD (L)) designated the Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA) as the DOD Storage Space Reporting
(5) Determination of occupied cubic feet.
Administrator (SSRA). The responsibilities as DOD
(a) Covered storage.
SSRA will be accomplished by the DLA Depot
1 From the survey of occupied
Operations Division, Storage and Maintenance Branch
bulk storage (i.e., each section), determine the simple
(DLA-OWS), Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22304-
average of the actual stacking height of the material.
6100. DLA-OWS as DOD SSRA will
Determine the square feet occupied by material in the
(a) Receive and consolidate DOD
section and multiply this value by the appropriate
Component SSMR, DD Form 805 submissions.
average stacking height. The sum of these products (cu
(b) Develop
ft) will provide the total bulk cubic feet occupied.
automated data processing program specification
2 Determine the quantity of rack
supporting the system.
openings occupied by type storage and the cubic
(c) Perform routine analysis of the
dimension of the rack opening itself. The product of
storage space inventory database and ensure
these two values (number of openings occupied times
automated integrity and accuracy of information.
cu ft of opening) will provide the total cubic occupancy
of rack storage.
(d) Publish
Components recurring storage space management and
3 Bin storage occupancy may be
determined in the same manner. Determine either
manually, mechanically, or statistically the quantity of
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