![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.42
inventory will normally vary from installation to
high stacking. Therefore, selection of storage location
installation with resultant effects on average stacking
should provide for maximum stacking height potential.
heights. For example, a substantial inventory of an item
that possesses very limited high storage potential, as
(3) There are many items which lend only to
opposed to a very limited inventory of the same item,
moderate stacking heights for several reasons. Packs
would have a marked bearing on storage height average
may be too weak to withstand the weight imposed as a
for that item. For this reason, each storage activity must
result of relatively high stacking or the packs may be
compute independent data which will reflect average
unstable. Bagged items are an example of items that
potential storage height of inventory.
can be stacked to a limited height.
(1) In order to relate to space, the stacking
e. Total warehouse storage space. The gross
height must be established. Establishing stacking height
storage space within a warehouse includes
should not be predicated on the basis of the height to
(1) Storage support space. See paragraph 2-
which supplies are currently stored, but rather to the
potential storage height, that is, the height to which
(2) Aisles. See paragraphs 2-9f and 2-13e.
supplies are capable of being stored in accordance with
(3) Structural loss. See paragraph 2-13e.
proper warehousing practices. Inventory is another
influence which must be recognized. For example, the
(4) Net storage space. See paragraph 2-13e.
quantity on hand could result in some supplies being
stacked to less than the potential height. This practice
f. Occupancy
reduces the average potential height.
The term
Considerations such as ceiling heights, commodity
"adjusted potential storage height" applies to this
characteristics, and "elbow room" are factors which
preclude the possibility of complete occupancy of net
(2) It will be necessary to survey inventories
storage space. In any storage operations, it is desirable
in order to determine acceptable and attainable storage
to have "elbow room" available for operations flexibility.
To provide greater accuracy and lessen
This "elbow room" space must be limited to the absolute
expenditure of manpower, computers should be used,
minimum for effective storage. Sufficient "elbow room"
when available. To attain satisfactory benefits from
should be available to minimize the continuous
such a survey and to avoid establishing stacking heights
necessity for relocation of stocks to "fit" additional
for each item, supply inventory should be grouped into
receipts into the storage pattern. Fifteen percent of the
selected categories and the average heights determined
net available space is considered an adequate
for each category. For example, separate categories
allowance for "elbow room" for general supplies.
may possibly be established for type 1, easy load; type
Ammunition is governed by quantity-distance factors
2, average load; and type 3, difficult load, as defined in
found in appropriate publications.
the glossary of terms, and for unpacked items such as
Development of Data for Use in Space
(a) Supply
Requirement Computations.
sufficiently categorized to reflect relatively constant and
accurate average potential stacking heights as well as
Computation of space requirements should use cubic
adjusted potential stacking heights which take into
feet and/or square feet as conversion factor(s) in
account the variables of supply inventory.
relating material to space. In the planning for, and
(b) Results of the survey will indicate
selection of material for storage in specific warehouses
an overall potential height and adjusted potential height
or warehouse sections, the selection should be based
for each category grouping. This should be frequently
upon the volume of inventory, stackability, bin
assessed to assure data correctly reflect the current
requirements, etc. In other words, material with low
storage situation.
stackability should not be located in high ceiling
warehouses when lower ceiling or lower floor load
b. Square foot computations.
capacity warehouses are available. This also applies to
(1) Stacking height data will be reconciled to
bin areas, storage support areas, relatively small
the amount of floor area (square footage) that is
inventories of the same item, etc. The following will
currently utilized in storing inventory. In the event that
apply in developing data to support space computations:
potential or adjusted potential storage height is not fully
occupied, provisions must be made to identify the
a. Average stacking heights. The characteristics
current excessive occupancy of square feet of floor area
of storage facilities influence the heights to which
in order to reflect the actual net square feet of storage
material may be stacked. The composition of the
space required to
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