![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.42
as space that has been graded and surfaced with
2-3. Open Storage Space.
concrete, tar, asphalt, crushed stone, gravel, or other
suitable topping. The area is surfaced with a suitable
a. Open storage space is all uncovered space that
topping which provides adequate drainage necessary to
is used for storage purposes. There are two types of
afford the item with protection from wet ground
open storage areas, improved and unimproved.
conditions. Figure 2-16 shows an example of a hard
surface open improved storage area.
(1) Open improved storage space.
space includes areas that have a finished surface such
Figure 2-16. Hard Surfaced Open Improved Area
(b) A storage layout for an open
(a) An open improved storage area
unimproved area is affected by the same criteria as that
usually has a hard surface of a more conventional
for open improved storage areas. However, to take
surfacing topping which provides an adequate running
advantage of existing drainage, supplies may have to be
surface for the operation of MHE. A steel mat topping
positioned and aisles or roadways may have to be
may be used in some instances due to immediate need
located, without regard to conventional storage
or lack of other suitable topping; however, this method is
not desirable.
(b) Storage layouts for open improved
areas vary because of terrain features and types of
b. Storage managers must be aware that material
commodity stored. In reality, aisles become roadways
stored in open storage areas may be either approved or
due to the size of the MHE required.
unapproved for storage in such areas. Material that is
approved for open storage is so authorized because
there is little or no concern of damage to the material
(2) Open unimproved storage space. This
which could result from the elements of an open
space consists of unsurfaced open areas designated for
environment. Sometimes material stored in open areas
storage purposes.
is unapproved for storage in that the material requires
(a) The limitation on the use of MHE is
covered storage but is being stored in open areas.
a significant disadvantage of open unimproved storage.
Unapproved open storage can result in causing severe
This type storage should be used only with certain stock
damage to the material being stored because of
and only when a higher upgrade of open improved
overexposure to harsh environmental conditions.
space is not available.
Section II. Space Requirement Factors
storage, and issue of materials. Space economy can be
2-4. General.
obtained only by thorough planning for the use of space.
a. Storage space is a basic resource of any
storage operation.
Economy depends upon the
b. Space requirements are not computed on an
optimum utilization of this space and the proper
"after the fact" basis. That is, inventories are not
arrangement of operations incident to the receipt,
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