![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.42
Figure 2-9. Above-Ground Magazine
to store small arms ammunition, the warehouse is not
(b) Magazine. This type of structure is
classified as a magazine because it does not have the
designed for the storage of ammunition and explosives.
special design construction required for proper storage
These structures are widely separated in the storage
of ammunition and explosives.
area to minimize destructiveness should an explosion
occur. There are two types, above ground and earth
2. Earth-covered magazine.
1. Above-ground magazine.
(a) The
(a) This magazine is similar in
commonly referred to as an igloo, is generally
appearance to the general purpose warehouse;
constructed of reinforced concrete with an arch-type roof
however, it is built of fireproof materials and is well
covered with earth. The arched roof is an added safety
ventilated to lessen the danger of explosion (see fig 29).
feature since in the event of an explosion, the highest
It normally has a dock that runs the entire length of the
point of the arch which is also the weakest point would
building to service both truck and railcars.
collapse first, thereby lessening the damage caused by
the explosion.
examples of igloos. Although igloos are not heated, the
(b) Inside the typical magazine,
temperature inside ordinarily ranges between 40 and
main aisles do not run the length of the building as is
45 in winter to between 60 and 70 in summer.
common in a general purpose warehouse. Generally,
cross aisles corresponding to the outside door locations
run from the front to the rear of the building. However,
(b) The typical igloo has a
in the instance of large-lot storage (e.g., a single item of
single door on only one end which is smaller than a
ammunition, etc.), aisles in certain sections of the
truck door; however, some have double doors. Truck
magazine may be eliminated.
doors are rare. Normally, a centrally located dock(s) is
constructed in the ammunition area to service trucks
and railcars.
(c) Although
necessary at times to use a general purpose warehouse
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