![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.42
utilities. A shed is used for the storage of materials that
(2) Nonwarehouse storage facilities. These
require maximum ventilation or materials that do not
facilities have a roof but vary as to the number of walls
require complete protection from the weather. Figure 2-
and type of construction. Examples include-
8 shows some typical examples of sheds.
(a) Shed. A shed is a structure without
complete side and end walls. It may be equipped with
Figure 2-8. Typical Examples of Sheds
while other items requiring only minimum protection are
1. Most sheds are considered
left semiexposed. For example, tarpaulins maybe used
permanent structures since they are not readily
as side walls or pallets maybe positioned to form a
dismantled for relocation. However, some sheds are
protective wall. The use of pallets in this fashion, where
transitory in that some are prefabricated structures
feasible, serves a dual purpose since valuable storage
which can be dismantled for movement and reassembly.
space inside the shed will not be occupied by empty
2. There are various means by
which items that are stored in sheds and which require
added protection from the weather may be protected
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