NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
1-1. PURPOSE. Volume III of the Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP) Manual presents the methodology for
evaluating spectrometric analyses of samples from aeronautical equipment. The methodology enables an
evaluator to identify wear metals present in the sample and their probable sources, to judge equipment condition,
and to make recommendations which influence maintenance and operational decisions. Following these
recommendations can enhance safety and equipment reliability and contribute to more effective and economic
maintenance practices.
1-2. APPLICABILITY. The provisions of this manual apply to all activities of the Departments of the Army, Navy,
and the Air Force participating in the JOAP and to laboratories operating under contract or mutual assistance
agreements to provide Department of Defense JOAP support.
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