![]() TM 38-260
points are offset. Mounting plates should be positioned in a manner that will prevent extension
beyond the outside extremities of the outrigger runner beams.
(b) Mounting plates must be uniformly distributed around the base of the machine at tie
down points.
(6) Auxiliary tic bars. Auxiliary tie bars are required on skids over 6 feet in length to add
rigidity between the outrigger and load bearing runner beams. Tie bars shall be uniformly
spaced, not more than 6 feet (1.8m) apart, between header beams. Auxiliary tie bars are also
used to provide mounting points for accessory items such as motors, base plates, or boxed
(7) Hardware. Standard hardware is used in the assembly of the type I skid and for the
mounting of IPE on the skid.
(8) Hold down bolts. Standard steel step bolts are used for securing equipment to the
mounting plates.
c. Type 1I runner beam skid. The basic type II runner beam skid consists of four runners
and two header beams, accessory beams, and special hardware (fig 8-10).
(1) Inner beams. The two inner beams are considered load bearing members. The
outrigger beams are for protection of overhanging components of the equipment and do not
increase the safe load limit of the assembly.
(2) Hardware. The hardware used for assembly of type II aluminum :skids for mounting
equipment thereon is special and no sources are currently known except the manufacturer. MIL-
HDBK-701 provides a list of the hardware and the manufacturers part numbers.
(3) Runner beams. Runner beams for the type II skid are used in the same manner as for
the type I skid. Requirements and load capacity are as indicated in MIL-HDBK-701.
(4) Header beams. Header beams are bolted to each runner beam. Header beams are
secured to the outside runner beams using header beam hardware.
(5) Accessory beams. Accessory beams may be used for mounting points for attaching
items such as motors, coolant pumps, guards, or boxed items which are part o(f the basic
equipment. They are also used for support of buttress blocking. Accessory beams are attached to
the outside runner members with hardware.
(6) Mounting Points. Equipment shall be mounted directly on runner members if the
number- of machine hold down bolt holes does not meet requirements for tic down points,
clamps, J-bolts, yokes, or other tie down devices which provide equivalent strength.
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