![]() TM 38-260
designation will be eliminated. The construction of the two types of skids are entirely different,
therefore, the components are not interchangeable. Either type of skid can be arranged for safe
skidding of most types of IPE weighing up to 42,000 pounds (19,050kg).
(6) DOD-owned aluminum skids. The Defense General Supply Center (DGSC),
Richmond, VA, manages and controls the inventory of DOD-owned aluminum skids that are
specifically designed for the shipment and handling of IPE. When shipping or handling IPE,
DOD activities are encouraged to requisition, use, and return these skids to the designated DGSC
Storage Facility. DOD policy and procedures for management and reutilization of DGSC skids
are covered in AR 700-43/DLAM 4215.1. Appendix A of MIL-HDBK-701 establishes the
requirements and approved methods of identifying DOD aluminum skid components.
(7) Skid sizes. Due to the large variety of IPE characteristics such as weights, shape,
sizes, configuration, and location of hold down points, it has not been practical to establish
standard skid sizes within the DOD skid inventory. The following paragraphs provide detailed
information for selecting the appropriate skid type, component arrangement, number and length
of the components required.
b. Type I skid. The type I skid is designed for the skidding of machine dimensions ranging
up to 9 feet (2.75m) wide 34 feet (10.36m) long with weights up to 42,000 pounds (19,050kg).
The type I skid is designed to support the load by means of parallel runner members which are
held together at each end by header members. The load is secured to the runner members by
means of mounting plates and auxiliary tie bars. The skid has been made universally adaptable
by a system of nine-sixteenths inch (14.3mm) square hoses spaced on 2.33 inch (58.4mm)
centers, which allows the components to be fastened together by standard hardware to provide a
larger number of skid component arrangements.
(1) Inner runners. The two inner runners are considered load bearing members.
(2) Outrigger runners. Outrigger runners are those which are not directly under the
equipment base. They are usually necessary only to provide required skid width for protection of
overhanging components and therefore do not increase the safe load limit of the assembly.
(3) Runner beams. The number of runner beams required is determined by the weight of
the equipment, center of gravity, contour of the machine base, location of hold-down points
incorporated in the machine, devices necessary to provide sufficient hold downs, and the
requirements for protection of overhanging parts.
(a) Each load bearing runner beam has a safe load limit of 12,000 pounds (5,443kg).
The basic skid as shown in figure 8-9 is designed for a safe load weight of 24,000 pounds
(10,886kg) supported on the two inner runners with an outrigger runner on each side.
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