![]() TM 38-260
(3) Equipment weighing over 30,000 pounds (13,605kg). Each complete item weighing over 30,000 (13,605kg) or
dimensionally in excess of the limitations specified in MIL-C-104 shall be packed in accordance with directions issued by
the organization directing the shipment.
Blocking, bracing, anchoring, cushioning, and water proofing shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-1186. The contents of each container shall be secured in waterproof wrap or shroud
conforming to PPP-B- 1055, class E or heavier or MIL-I-24768/9. Strapping shall be in accordance with the box
specification except the strapping shall be zinc coated.
c. Level B packing. Level B packing shall be used for domestic or overseas shipment of
IPE under favorable environmental conditions. Level B packing is identical to level A packing except the container
strapping need not be zinc coated. All items preserved and packaged to level B shall be consolidated in domestic type
shipping containers conforming to table VII of MIL-STD-2073- 1.
d. Level C packing. Level C packing shall be used for domestic shipment of IPE. Each complete item shall be
packed in a manner that will prevent deterioration and damage during shipment, handling, and storage. Containers and
packing shall comply with the National Motor Freight Classification Rules as applicable.
e. Commercial packing. When commercial packing is specified, the basic item of IPE, its attachments,
accessories, components, repairs parts, and tools shall be packed in accordance with the American Society for Testing
Materials (ASTM) D 3951, Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging. Industrial packing requires that the items
packaged be given the degree of protection normally employed by industrial suppliers. It shall provide protection against
corrosion, shock, vibration, physical, and environmental damage during shipment, handling, and storage. This level of
protection is normally utilized for shipment of newly procured IPE from the prime manufacturer to the user.
f. Foam-in-place packing procedures. IPE, accessories, and component parts may be blocked, braced, and
cushioned in accordance with the foam-in-place packing procedures of MIL-STD-1191.
g. Packing list. Packing lists shall be applied to all shipments in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
h. Requirements of MIL-STD-1186. Due to the rather extensive reference to MIL-STD-1186 in this manual, the
following excerpts concerning cushioning, blocking and bracing, anchoring, and waterproofing are provided.
(1) Cushioning. Where applicable, cushioning shall be used in one or more of the following ways to provide the
necessary physical protection. Cushioning materials shall be separated from surfaces (which might be corroded) at points
of contact by either transparent flexible barrier material conforming to specification MIL-B-22191 or grease proof barrier
material conforming to MIL-B-121, grade A. Cushioning or wrapping materials containing asphalt shall not be permitted
to come in direct contact with highly finished, varnished, or lacquered surfaces.
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