![]() TM 38-260
(d) A thorough visual inspection shall be conducted of all accessible interior and exterior components to
detect missing, excessively worn, cracked, broken, or improperly installed components or extremely rusty conditions.
(2) Operational/functional testing. Operational/functional testing shall be accomplished after completion of
visual inspection and shall include, but is not limited to, the following operations:
(a) Determination of special equipment, environmental conditions, and procedures required to conduct
operational/functional testing.
(b) Lubrication and servicing of components and systems, as required to assure freedom of movement
and proper functioning.
Manual operation of all applicable components to detect any discrepancies that could affect power
(d) Assembly and minor adjustment of all necessary associated components, attachments, accessories,
and auxiliary equipment.
Powered operation for a sufficient time to assure that equipment reaches the normal operating
(f) Complete power and manual operation of all systems to determine correct functioning of all
mechanical and/or electric controls and devices.
(g) All observed defects and malfunctions shall be recorded and verified on documents conforming to the
requirements specified on the applicable TMS.
(3) Analytical inspection. Analytical inspection shall only be accomplished after completion of visual and
functional testing. Analytical inspection tolerances shall conform to those specified on the appropriate DGSC Form Test
Pattern for analytical inspection of metalworking machinery. Analytical inspection shall be performed with the inspection
aids which have been identified, inspected, and calibrated in accordance with requirements of MIL-STD-120 and as
specified on the applicable test pattern. Analytical inspection shall also include, but is not limited to, the following:
Cleaning of machine ways, tables, and other working surfaces to provide for accurate measurements.
(b) Assembly and adjustment of all necessary associated components, attachments, accessories, and
auxiliary equipment as necessary.
Checking of all flat bearing surfaces for less than 0. 0015 inch (0. 04mm) feeler gage entry.
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