TM 32-5895-227-14&P
a. Sectionalization. Listed below is a group of
tests arranged to reduce unnecessary work and to aid in
Before using any ohmmeter to test
tracing trouble. The AN/MSQ-71 consists of many units.
transistors or transistor circuits,
The first step is to locate the unit or units at fault. The
check the open circuit voltage across
following methods can be used:
the ohmmeter test leads. Do not use
(1) Visual Inspection. The purpose of visual
the ohmmeter if the open circuit
inspection is to locate faults without testing or measuring
voltage exceeds 1.5 volts.
the circuits. All meter readings, scope patterns, or other
since the RX1 range normally
visual signs should be observed and an attempt made to
connects the ohmmeter internal
sectionalize the fault to a particular unit.
battery directly across the test leads,
(2) Operational Tests. Operational tests
the comparatively high current (50
frequently indicate the general location of trouble. In
ma or more) may damage the
many instances, the tests will help in determining the
transistor under test. As a general
exact nature of the fault.
rule, it is not recommended that the
RX1 range of any ohmmeter be used
Substitution of easily interchangeable components can
when testing low power transistors.
provide a quick method of localizing a fault. For
instance, if a microphone is suspected to be at fault,
(3) Intermittent Troubles. In all tests, the
another microphone can quickly be connected and the
possibility of intermittent troubles should not be
equipment tested for proper operation. If the system
overlooked. These can be noticed by tapping or jarring
then operates as normal, the first microphone or its
the equipment. Make a visual inspection of the wiring
cable can be assumed to be at fault.
and connections to the units. Minute cracks in printed
b. Localization. After the trouble has been
circuit boards can also cause intermittent operation. A
sectionalized, the methods listed below will aid in
magnifying glass is often helpful in locating defects in
localizing the trouble to a stage or module in the
printed circuit boards. Continuity measurements of
suspected unit.
printed conductors may be made using the same
(1) Troubleshooting. Meter indications, or
techniques ordinarily used on conventional wiring.
lack of meter indications, and operational checks
Observe the ohmmeter precaution set forth in paragraph
provide a systematic method of localizing trouble to a
(2) above.
stage or module.
(2) Signal Substitution. Signal substitution
procedures enable the repairman to localize a trouble
Perform the procedures for
quickly to a stage or module. A signal generator, an
sectionalizing, localizing, and isolating trouble to a
audio oscillator, and an oscilloscope are units of test
particular circuit in the Telephone Set TA-676/G.
equipment that may be used in signal substitution
b. Diagrams.
procedures. Observe the precautions in paragraph 74
(1) Wiring Diagram. See figure 7-1 for the
and follow the signal substitution procedures carefully so
Telephone Set TA-676/G wiring diagram. This diagram
that damage to transistors is avoided.
outlines the electrical means of performing maintenance
c. Isolation. After the trouble has been localized,
on this unit. The set, as shown, consists of connectors,
the methods listed below will aid in isolating the trouble
audio volume compression units (AMP 1 through AMP
to a defective circuit element.
4), switches, relays, and associated wiring.
(1) Voltage Measurements. The AN/MSQ-
(2) Circuit Diagram. The circuit diagram for
71 equipment is transistorized.
When measuring
power supplies PSI and PS2 is shown in figure 7-2.
voltages, use tape or sleeving (spaghetti) to insulate the
Resistor location wiring on AMP 1 through AMP 4
entire test probe, except for the extreme tip.
connectors is shown. Power supplies, components, and
momentary short circuit can ruin the transistor. Use an
output operating voltages are shown on the circuit
electronic multimeter (VTVM) if possible.
(2) Resistance Measurements. Resistance
(3) Jacks. Location of jacks is shown in
measurements are an effective means of detecting open
leads, faulty resistors, or shorted capacitors. Since this
Telephone Set TA-676/G.
equipment contains transistors, the following caution
must be observed:
trouble symptoms, the probable troubles, and the
corrective actions to be taken.
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