![]() TM 9-258
Color blindness - An eye condition of not being
different colors of wavelengths of light to be focused at
different distances from the lens resulting in colored
capable of proper discrimination of colors. In the most
common type, dichromatism, red-green blindness, these
fringes around the borders of objects seen through the
lens (fig 2-60).
two colors appear gray.
Ciliary body or muscle - The muscle in the eyeball
Coma - An aberration of a lens which causes
which is capable of increasing or decreasing the
oblique pencils of light from a point on the object to be
curvature of the crystalline lens to decrease or increase
imaged as a comet-shaped blur instead of a point. This
the focal length of the lens system of the eye. Used in
aberration is caused by unequal refraction through the
accommodation (focusing) of the eye (fig 3-4).
different parts of the lens for rays coming from a point
Circle of least confusion - A focal plane between the
which lies a distance off the axis (fig 2-65).
Compass North (Magnetic North) - The direction
two focal points of a lens affected by astigmatism where
the most clearly defined image can be obtained. See
indicated by the north-seeking end of the needle of a
magnetic compass. This direction is different usually
Coated optics - Optical elements which have been
from either True North or Y-North (Grid North),
coated with a thin chemical film, such as magnesium
depending upon one's position upon the earth's surface.
Compensator - See measuring wedge.
fluoride, to reduce reflection and thereby increase light
Compound lens - A lens composed of two or more
Coincidence - Occupying the same place; agreeing
separate pieces of glass. These component pieces or
as to position; corresponding. In the coincidence range
elements may or may not be cemented together. A
finder, two optical systems are focused into a single
common form of compound lens is a two element
eyepiece assembly. When the range knob is rotated, the
objective; one element being a converging lens of crown
left and right fields of view are superimposed and
glass and the other being a diverging lens of flint glass.
coincidence of the two images of the selected target is
The surfaces of the two elements are ground to eliminate
aberrations which would be present in a single lens (fig
Coincidence prism - A compound prism, consisting
Concave - Hollowed to form a shallow cavity and
of a system of small prisms cemented together, used as
an ocular prism assembly in a coincidence range finder
rounded like the inside of a sphere.
to bring the image from the two objectives to a single
Concave lens - See diverging lens.
eyepiece for viewing.
Concave-convex lens - A lens with one concave
Coincidence range finder - A self-contained
surface and one convex surface.
distance measuring device operating on the principle of
Concentric - Having the same center. Circles
triangulation. Images, observed from points of known
differing in radius but inscribed from a single center
distance, are alined to determine the range. See
Cone - One of the two types of light-sensitive
Collective lens - A convex or positive lens used in
elements or visual cells in the retina of the eye which
an optical system to collect the field rays and bend them
permit sight. The cones are associated with daylight
to the next optical element. It prevents loss of rim ray
vision and give clear sharp vision for the seeing of small
light. Sometimes used to denote a convergent or convex
details and the distinguishing of color. The other type of
visual cell is termed the rod (fig 3-5).
Collimating telescope - A telescope with an outer
Conjugate focal points (conjugate foci) - Those pairs
cylindrical surface that is concentric with its optical axis.
of points on the principal axis of a concave mirror or a
It contains a reticle, usually straight crosslines. It is used
convergent lens so located that light emitted from either
to aline the axis of the optical elements to the
point will be focused at the other as shown in figure B-9
mechanical axis of the instrument (collimation) in other
where D and D- are the conjugate focal lengths of a lens.
telescopes, to focus eyepieces, and to set diopter scales
Shifting the source of light along the axis will cause a
at infinity focus.
shifting of the second corresponding conjugate focal
Collimation - The process of alining the axis of the
point. Likewise related points in object and image are
optical elements to the mechanical axis of an instrument.
located optically so that for every point on the object
Collimator - A sighting instrument occupying a
there is a corresponding point in the image.
position between the open sight and the telescopic
instrument (fig 8-27). It has an eyelens, and reticle of
cross or vertical line pattern.
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