![]() TM 9-258
the left end housing assembly to the eyepiece. The left
three correction wedges (19, 20, and 21). The vertical
main sighting system is housed in both left and right
calibration mechanism optical components consist of two
main housing castings.
correction wedges (19 and 20). A gear located between
1. The range finder end window (4) is a plano
the two wedges causes these wedges to rotate in
opposite directions.
Light rays entering the first
plate, which seals the left sighting system against dirt
correction wedge (19) are bent towards the thickest part
and moisture.
2. The filter (5) increases contrast between the
of this wedge. Due to the relationship of the thick
sections, a vertical vector resultant is formed which
target image and the illuminated coincidence reticle (49).
optically raises or lowers the light rays. The horizontal
A matched filter (26) for the right main sighting system is
calibration mechanism consists of a single correction
engaged simultaneously with the left filter by a control
wedge (21). This correction wedge receives the light
lever on the right main housing.
rays from the second correction wedge (20) of the
3. A porro reflector assembly (6) and (7)
vertical calibration mechanism. As the horizontal wedge
consisting of a partial reflector (7) and a full reflector (6)
is rotated, light rays are deviated in a horizontal direction.
bends the coincidence reticle image 180 degrees to
8. The first 90-degree prism (50) reflects the
superimpose it on the target image. The partial reflector,
target and reticle images into the second erector lens
in the line of sight of the main sighting system, picks up
the coincidence reticle image from the full reflector,
9. The second erector lens is used to set the
which picks up the image from the left collimating
focus during the assembly of the range finder, and to
system. The path of the target image is not affected by
bring the focal plane of the left main sighting system to
the partial reflector. Approximately 65 percent of the
the eyepiece field stop (42).
incoming field light is transmitted through the partial
10. The second 90-degree prism '52) bends the
reflector, 30 percent is lost by reflection and 5 percent is
light rays into the left ocular prism (46).
lost by absorption. Less than 30 percent of the light from
11. The left ocular prism (46) is a penta prism
the collimating system is transmitted into the line of sight;
70 percent of the light passes through the partial reflector
that reflects the target image 90 degrees into the
and is lost. However, collimator light intensity can be
combining prism (45).
12. This combining prism displaces the light rays
varied by a rheostat.
4. The left objective lens (8) receives light from
parallel to itself. The light rays are then reflected into the
the target and coincidence reticle, and provides a focus
eyepiece assembly by the rhomboidal prism component
adjustment. Light rays from the left objective lens (8) are
of the combining prism.
(c) Eyepiece
converged upon the first collective lens (15) and are
The eyepiece
brought into focus at the main boresight (gunlaying)
contains a field stop and an eyepiece assembly. The
reticle (16). Moving the collective lens adjusts the focal
field stop (42) is a diaphragm for the eyepiece assembly.
length to the' desired angular values of the reticle
It restricts extraneous or stray light for a sharp circular
calibrations. The left objective lens and the first collective
field of view. The eyepiece assembly has a field lens
lens function together as a single lens.
(43) and an eye lens (44), which together magnify the
5. The main boresight reticle assembly
(d) Left collimating system. The left collimating
contains the main boresight (gunlaying) reticle (16).
Because it is in the focal plane of the objective lens (8)
system projects the left coincidence reticle into the left
and the first collective lens (15), this reticle is
main sighting system so that the coincidence reticle
superimposed on the target image. Control knobs move
appears in the field of view.
the boresight reticle vertically and horizontally to aline it
1. The left coincidence reticle (49) is
with the target image for boresighting, range estimation,
illuminated and projected into the collimator lens (13).
or both. The main boresight reticle assembly has a
2. The collimator lens (13) gathers the
collective lens (15 and 17) on each side of the reticle
diverging light from the reticle assembly and directs it,
(16) to increase the field or peripheral light.
with the coincidence reticle image, into the porro reflector
6. A composite image of the reticles and target,
assembly (6 and 7).
formed by the second collective lens (17), is located at
3. The collimator assembly contains two
the focal plane of the first erector lens (18).
correction wedge cell assemblies, each containing a
7. The target and reticle images are positioned
wedge (9 and 10) that alines the coincidence reticle in
deflection and elevation so that it is projected in an exact
relationship to the target image as seen in the main
sighting system.
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