![]() TM 9-258
b. The power or magnification of the binocular,
eyepiece can be focused independently of the other by
turning the diopter scale in a plus or minus direction.
like that of the monocular telescope, depends upon the
The scale, which is calibrated in diopters, indicates the
focal lengths of the objective and eyepiece groups. The
correction required for the corresponding eye. Once the
true field of view depends upon the design of the lenses
proper setting for diopter adjustment has been
and the power. The brightness of image depends upon
determined for each eye, the setting may be applied
the size of the objective. The amount of the exit pupil that
immediately on future use.
can be used depends upon the size of the pupil of the
eye of the observer which varies from about 2 millimeters
for very brilliant illumination to about 4 or 5 millimeters in
Binocular (General Use).
daytime, and about 8 millimeters for very faint
a. The binocular illustrated in figure 8-21 is
illumination. The design of an instrument of this type
typical of those designed for use as a general purpose
determines its suitability for a specific purpose. A
instrument by all services for observation and
binocular with large objectives and exit pupils is generally
approximate measurement of small angles. It has a
better suited for observation at night and other conditions
magnification of 6 power, the objective diameter is 30
of poor visibility. A binocular of this type is often referred
millimeters, and the field of view is 80 30 minutes. Each
to as a "night glass."
of. the prism offset-type telescopes has an achromatic
c. Binoculars usually are designated by the
objective and a Kellner-type eyepiece with a compound
power of magnification and the diameter of the
eyelens and a plano-convex field lens. A porro prism
objectives. Thus, a 6 x 30 binocular magnifies 6
erecting system is employed in each telescope. The
diameters and has objectives which are 30 millimeters in
eyepieces are individually adjustable from plus 4 to
diameter. This designation usually is stamped on the
minus 4 diopters to meet eyesight variations. Graduated
diopter scales permit prefocusing of both eyepieces.
d. Binoculars permit the use of and increase
The interpupillary distance adjustment also is provided
the radius of stereoscopic vision. The observer views
with graduations to permit presetting.
the object from the two objectives which are more widely
b. A reticle is included in the optical system for
separated than his eyes, while the magnification
the left eye (I, fig 4-25). The binocular is equipped with a
provided by the instrument increases his range of vision.
filter and a carrying strap. This model has improved
For example, if the distance between the lines of sight of
his eyes is doubled by the use of prism binoculars and a
6-power instrument is used, the radius of stereovision is
Battery Commander's Periscope.
increased from a normal of approximately 500 meters to
a. The
approximately 6,000 meters (500 meters times 2 times
illustrated in figure 8-22 is a binocular instrument which
consists of two periscope-type telescopes joined at the
e. The binocular hinge is equipped with a scale
top by a hinge mechanism, to permit adjustment of the
which indicates in millimeters the interpupillary distance
distance between the eyepieces. The eyepiece being
(distance between the pupils of the eyes). When the
about 12 inches below the line of sight. The BC
proper setting for the observer has been determined, any
periscope is not hinged at the bottom (as were earlier
binocular may be adjusted at once for the correct
model BC's periscopes) and is typical of those designed
interpupillary distance.
to be used only for periscopic observation, with the
f.. All of the binoculars covered in this manual
telescopes in a vertical position.
are constructed for separate focusing; that is, each
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