![]() TM 9-258
Figure 2-69. Curvature of image .
f. Rays and Pencils. A definition of eccentric and
those along the axis. Eccentric pencils are those which
pass through the lens near the rim, remote from its
paraxial rays and of centric, eccentric, and paraxial
pencils will clarify curvature of image in spherical
g. Hourglass Distortion. Paraxial magnification of a
aberration. Eccentric rays are rim rays which pass
convergent lens (magnification through the lens near the
through a lens remote from its center. Paraxial rays are
optical axis) is actually less than the true magnification of
those along the axis of the lens Oblique centric pencils
the lens. Spherical aberration thus appears as hourglass
are cones of light which pass through the center of a lens
or pincushion distortion when a vertual image is viewed
at a considerable angle to the principal axis. Paraxial
through an un
pencils are
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