![]() TM 9-258
Figure 2-35. Angles of light rays from an underwater source.
e. Consider a prism with two faces at right angles
c. All rays traveling in an optically dense medium
and striking the surface with an angle of incidence that is
and a back or hypotenuse at a 450 angle (A, fig 2-36).
less than the critical angle of the mediums are refracted
An incident ray, striking one of the right-angle faces in
and pass into the optically lighter medium in accordance
the direction of the perpendicular or the normal, passes
with the laws of refraction. All such rays striking at an
into the prism without refraction or deviation until it hits
angle of incidence greater than the critical angle of
the boundary of the medium (back of the prism). Since
mediums are reflected inwards in accordance with the
the angle of the back is 450 and the critical angle of the
laws of reflection.
glass of the prism is 420, the ray cannot pass through
d. The critical angle has a practical application in
the back surface of the prism. Instead, it is totally
the design of prisms used in fire-control instruments. In
reflected. Inasmuch as the angle of incidence between
such instruments, it is quite often necessary to change
the incident ray and the normal (at the back surface) is
the course of the path of light. This deviation could be
450, the angle of reflection would be the same because
accomplished by mirrors but the prisms used perform the
these angles are always equal. The result is that the ray
task more satisfactorily. When prisms are employed at
is reflected a total of 900, strikes the surface of the other
angles greater than the critical angle of the substance of
right-angle face of the prism in the direction of the
which they are made, their reflecting surfaces do not
normal, and passes out of the prism without further
require silvering, yet these surfaces appear to be silvered
when one looks into such a prism.
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