![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
one side of the cylinder piston to the other.
a. The suspension lockout hydraulic
The pressure switch (8) is closed when
subsystem forms a hydrostatic lock within
pressure in the lockout cylinder is over 120
each lockout cylinder (3). This stops up and
psi (827 kPa), lighting the SUSPENSION
down movement of the road wheels and
LOCKED indicator lights. When the hydrau-
provides a solid hoisting platform.
lic pressure drops below 95 psi (655 kPa),
the pressure switch (8) opens, putting out
b. Lockout cylinders (3) are locked by
the SUSPENSION LOCKED indicator lights.
setting the selector control valve (5) to
LOCKED. Hydraulic fluid at 1600 to 2400
c. The subsystem is protected from
psi (11,032 to 16,548 kPa) flows through
overpressure by the relief valve (2), which
the valve (5) to the valve (6). The valve (6)
bypasses fluid over 240 psi (1 655 kpa)
reduces the fluid pressure to 150 psi (1034
back to the reservoir. The cylinders (3) are
kPa). As the fluid pressure builds up in the
unlocked by setting the valve (5) to
lockout cylinders (3), the lockout pistons
UNLOCKED. This allows the hydraulic fluid
are forced into the lockout position. This
to flow back to the reservoir.
prevents hydraulic fluid from passing from
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