![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
Functional Description.
d. Moving the handle of the directional
a. The hydraulic fluid power for the
control valve (1) in PAY OUT position has
operation of the tow winch is supplied by
the same effect as in PAY IN except that
the hydraulic power subsystem.
the hydraulic fluid is routed in the opposite
direction through the hydraulic motor (8).
b. The tow winch hydraulic subsystem
The relief valve (10) controls the rate of
controls the power for tow winch operation
flow in the return line.
when pulling or releasing a load.
e. When the handle of the directional
c. Moving the handle of the directional
control valve (1) is in the neutral position,
control valve (1) in the PAY IN position
hydraulic fluid from both 40 gpm hydraulic
directs hydraulic fluid to release brake (7)
pumps flows through the open center port
and operate the hydraulic motor (8) to
retrieve the tow winch wire rope. Return
to the reservoir.
fluid from the hydraulic motor (8) flows
f. If the boom winch is used at the
through the pressure relief valve (10) and
same time that the tow winch is being
the directional control valve (1), then to the
reservoir. The relief valve (4) limits hydrau-
used, the tow winch operation will be
Iic pressure when paying in to 2150 psi
slowed down in proportion to boom winch
(1 4,824 kPa) to protect winch components
from overload.
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