![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
Functional Description.
direction through the hydraulic motor (9),
The hydraulic fluid power for the
which traverses the cab to the right.
operation of the traversing subsystem is
supplied by the hydraulic power subsystem.
When directional control valve (2) is
in neutral position, hydraulic fluid flows
The traversing hydraulic subsystem
through the open center port to the flow
controls the power for rotational movement
divider manifold in the hydraulic power
of the cab.
Depressing the forward portion of the
When the engine is not operating or
foot pedal of the directional control valve
during hydraulic power failure, the travers-
(2), directs hydraulic fluid at 2050 psi
ing brake (7) can be manually released by
(14,135 kpa) through the solenoid valve (4)
setting the brake release valve (6) to HAND
to the brake release valve (6), releasing the
brake (7), and to the hydraulic motor (9),
PUMP PRESSURE and operating the hand
pump, so that the cab can be rotated.
which traverses the cab to the left. The
return flow from the hydraulic motor (9)
During tow winch operation, cab
passes through the solenoid valve (3) and
traversing is controlled automatically by an
the directional control valve (2) and back to
the reservoir.
electrical sensing system. The sensing
system energizes either the solenoid valve
Depressing the rear portion of the
(3) for right traversing, or the solenoid
foot pedal of the directional control valve
valve (4) for left traversing. Hydraulic
pressure at 1750 psi (12,066 kPa) is sup-
(2) has the same effect as when traversing
plied by the 8 gpm pump in the hydraulic
Ieft, described above, except that the
hydraulic fluid is routed in the opposite
power subsystem.
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