![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
2-210. DEFINITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGE. The placement of equipment in
administrative storage can be for short periods of time when: (1) an organization lacks operating
funds, personnel, other resources, or normal usage of its organic materiel, and (2) materiel exceeds
the capability of the owning organization to operate or maintain and must be retained by that
organization for contingency or other cogent reasons.
Installation or organization commanders may authorize the administrative storage of their materiel
within guidance furnished by MACOM commanders and AR 750-1. Recovery vehicles should be
ready for use within the time factors as determined by the directing authority.
During the storage period appropriate maintenance records will be kept.
a. Scope. The requirements specified herein are necessary to maintain the M578 recovery
vehicle in administrative storage in such a way as to achieve the maximum readiness condition.
b. General.
(1) Except as indicated in the Maintenance Services and Inspection and Corrections of
Shortcomings and Deficiencies paragraphs, equipment that is placed in administrative storage should
be capable of being readied to perform its mission within a 24-hour period or as otherwise
prescribed by the approving authority. Before equipment is placed in administrative storage, current
maintenance services, shortcomings, and deficiencies should be corrected, and all modification work
orders (MWOs) should be applied.
(2) Report equipment in administrative storage in Materiel Readiness and Unit Readiness
reports as prescribed for all reportable equipment. See AR 220-1.
(3) Perform inspections, maintenance services, and lubrications per TM 9-2350-238 series
manuals or applicable technical manuals.
(4) Records and reports to be maintained for equipment in administrative storage are those
prescribed by DA PAM 738-750, for equipment in use.
(5) Ten percent variance is acceptable on time running hours, or mileage used to determine
maintenance actions required.
c. Security. Instructions contained herein do not modify security procedures and requirements
for classified or pilferable items. See AR 190-13, DA PAM 738-750, and DA PAM 750-35.
d. Storage Site.
(1) Select the best available site for administrative storage. Separate stored equipment from
equipment in use. Conspicuously mark the area "Administrative Storage."
(2) Covered space is preferred. When sufficient covered space for all recovery vehicles to be
stored is not available, select an open site.
(3) Open sites should be improved hardstand, if available. Unimproved sites should be firm,
well-drained, and kept free of excessive vegetation.
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