![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
2 Install spade control instruction plate (4),
7 If removed, install new MASTER switch
instruction plate (19) to driver's instrument
two machine screws (5), two new
Iockwashers (6), and two hexagon plain
panel (8).
nuts (7) to driver's instrument panel (8).
8 If removed, install new INSTRUMENT
3 Install ENGINE START switch instruction
switch instruction plate (20) to driver's
plate (9) and two drive screws (10) on
instrument panel (8).
driver's instrument panel (8).
9 If removed, install new BO-IR SELECTOR
4 Install UTILITY OUTLET identification plate
identification plate (21) to driver's instru-
(11) and two drive screws (12) on driver's
ment panel (8).
instrument panel (8).
5 Install SUSPENSION LOCKED indicator
RECEIVER switch instruction plate (22) to
lamp instruction plate (13) and two drive
driver's instrument panel (8).
screws (14) to driver's instrument panel
11 If removed, install new HYDRAULIC
PUMP/PTO CLUTCH identification plate
6 Install SUSPENSION VALVE instruction
(23) to driver's instrument panel (8).
plate (15), two machine screws (16), two
new Iockwashers (17), and two hexagon
plain nuts (18) on driver's instrument panel
instruction plate (24) and four drive screws
(25) to driver's instrument panel (8).
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