TM 9-2350-238-20-1
1 Install three new gaskets (1) on two radiator drain and one transmission drain access covers
2 Install 1 transmission drain and 2 radiator drain access covers (2) on hull. Secure with 18 new
Iockwashers (3) and 18 hexagon head capscrews (4).
3 Install fan well cleanout access cover gasket (5), fan well cleanout access cover (6), four new
Iockwashers (7), and four hexagon head capscrews (8) on hull.
4 Install turret hull cleanout cover gasket (9), turret hull cleanout assembly cover (10), headless
straight pin (11), and two new cotter pins (12) on hull.
5 Install new spring tension washer (13), flat washer (14), turret cover handle (15), flat washer
(16), and slotted plain nut (17) on turret hull cleanout access door (18). Secure with new cotter
pin (19).
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