![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
capscrews (20), and steering bar assembly
Remove cotter pin (1), slotted plain nut (2),
bearing unit housing (21) from bracket
two flat washers (3), rod assembly beveled
(22) .
washer (4), hexagon head capscrew (5),
and steering gear arm (6) from rod end
Remove three screws (23), three
plain bearing (7).
Iockwashers (24), steering bar assembly
Remove cotter pin (8), slotted plain nut (9),
(25), and steering bar to sleeve spacer
flat washer (10), beveled washer (11), and
(26) from steering control sleeve (27).
hexagon head capscrew (12) from rod end
plain bearing (13) and control linkage
Remove cotter pin (28), straight headed
pivoting wheel arm (14).
pin (29), control linkage pivoting wheel arm
(14), helical spring (30), retaining ring (31),
Remove two rod end plain bearings (7 and
and steering bar assembly bearing unit
13), two hexagon plain nuts (15), and dust
housing (21) from steering control sleeve
and moist boot (16) from rod (17).
(27) .
Remove four hexagon plain nuts (18), four
Iockwashers (19), four hexagon head
2 Repair is by replacement of authorized
1 Inspect for broken, damaged, or missing
parts (TM 9-2350-238-24P-1).
Install steering bar assembly bearing unit
Adjust rod assembly to allow rod to
housing (21), retaining ring (31), helical
move freely through dust and moist
spring (30), and control linkage pivoting
boot from one extreme steering
wheel arm (14) on steering control sleeve
position to the other.
(27). Secure with straight headed pin (29)
and new cotter pin (28).
Install hexagon head capscrew (12) in
control linkage pivoting wheel arm (14) and
Install steering bar to sleeve spacer (26)
rod end plain bearing (13). Secure with
and steering bar assembly (25) on steering
beveled washer (11), flat washer (10),
control sleeve (27). Secure with three new
slotted plain nut (9), and new cotter pin
Iockwashers (24) and three screws (23).
(8) .
Install steering bar assembly bearing unit
Install hexagon head capscrew (6) in
housing (21) on bracket (22). Secure with
steering gear arm (5) and rod end plain
four hexagon head capscrews (20), four
bearing (7). Secure with rod assembly
new Iockwashers (19), and four hexagon
beveled washer (4), two flat washers (3),
plain nuts (18).
slotted plain nut (2), and new cotter pin
(1) .
Install dust and moist boot (16), two
Rotate steering gear arm one spline tooth
hexagon plain nuts (15), and two rod end
to left side of vehicle.
plain bearings (13 and 7) on rod (17).
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