![]() TM9-2350-222-20P-2
A S S E M B L Y INSTRUCTIONS. Detailed assembly instructions for items source coded to be
a s s e m b l e d from component spare/repair parts are found in TM9-2350-222-20-2 series. Items that
m a k e up the assembly are listed immediately following the assembly item entry or reference is made
to an applicable figure.
d. K I T S . Line item entries for repair parts kits appear in a group in Section II (see Table of
I N D E X NUMBERS. Items which have the word BULK in the figure column will have an
i n d e x number shown in the item number column. This index number is a cross-reference between the
N a t i o n a l Stock Number/Part Number Index and the bulk material list in Section II.
A S S O C I A T E D PUBLICATIONS. The publications listed below pertain to the M728 CEV
t u r r e t and its components:
S h o r t Title
V e h i c l e , Combat Engineer, Full Tracked: M728
M a s k , Chemical-Biological: Tank, M25/M25A1 and
Machine Gun, Cal. .50; Fixed, M85
Machine Gun, Cal. .50; Fixed, M85
M a c h i n e Guns: M73, M73A1, and M219
M a c h i n e Gun, 7.62-MM: M73, M73A1, and M219
M a c h i n e Gun, 7.62-MM: M240 and M240C
L a u n c h e r , Grenade, Smoke: Screening, RP, M239
B i n o c u l a r s : M3, M7, M13, M13A1, M15A1. M16, and
Q u a d r a n t , Fire Control: (Gunner's) M1A1 W/E and M1A2
( R a d i o a c t i v e ) W/E
V e h i c l e , Combat Engineer, Full Tracked: M728
TM9-2350-222-10 Series
V e h i c l e , Combat Engineer, Full Tracked: M728
TM9-2350-222-20-2 Series
Binocular: M18 W/E
R a d i o Sets: AN/VRC-53, AN/VRC-64, AN/GRC-125, and
A N / G R C - 1 6 0 , and Amplifier-Power Supply Groups
O A - 3 6 3 3 / G R C and OA-3633A/GRC
I n t e r c o m m u n i c a t i o n Set: AN/VIC-1(V) Controls,
C - 1 0 4 5 6 / V R C , C-10680/VRC, and Amplifier, Audio
F r e q u e n c y : AM-7046/VRC
S e a r c h l i g h t Set, Infrared: AN/VSS-3A
Viewers, Driver's Night Vision: AN/VVS-2 (V) 1, ANA/VVS-
2 (V) 1A, AN/VVS-2 (V) 2, AN/VVS-2 (V) 2A, and
AN/VVS-2 (V) 3
V i e w e r s , Driver's Night Vision: AN/VVS-2 (V) 1, AN/VVS-
2 (V) 2, AN/VVS-2 (V) 3, AN/VVS-2 (V) 1A, and AN/VVS-2
(V) 2A
ILLUSTRATIONS - LISTING. The illustrations in this RPSTL are identical to those published
i n TM9-2350-222-34P-2. Only those parts coded "C" or "O" in the third position of the SMR Code
a r e listed in the tabular listing; therefore, there may be a break in the item number sequence. Only
i l l u s t r a t i o n s containing organizational authorized items appear in this RPSTL.
ITEMS IN PARENTHESES. Item numbers appearing in parentheses, i.e., (8), signify
components that are supplied only as part of the item having the same number or indicate
c o n t i n u a t i o n of an item.
F I G U R E ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER. The next higher assembly part number for component
parts listed is shown in parentheses.
E X A M P L E : (ASSY P/N 12282020)
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