Check both front axle brake chambers (1) for damage, clogs, or sticking
Step 5.
parts (page 4-1).
If brake chambers are damaged, clogged, or sticking, clean or
replace (page 4-686).
Check both front brakedrums (2) and brakeshoes (3) for damage or foreign
Step 6.
material (page 2-35).
If brakedrums or shoes are damaged or dirty, Replace, clean (page
4-893) or (page 4-610), or notify direct support maintenance for
Check air line no. 633 from reservoir (4) to pusher axle relay valve (5),
Step 7.
and air line no. 536 from reservoir to tandem axle relay valve (6) for
damage and leaks by listening for hissing or using soap solution and
watching for bubbles (page 4-1).
If lines are damaged or leaking, replace or repair (page 4-609).
Check pusher axle relay valve (5) and rear axle relay valve (6) for damage,
Step 8.
leaks, or clogged exhaust ports (page 4-1).
If either relay valve is damaged, leaking or clogged, clean or
replace (page 4-779 and page 4-785).
Check hoses from pusher axle relay valve (5) to pusher axle brake cham-
Step 9.
bers (7) for damage or leaks by listening for hissing or by using mild
soap solution and watching for bubbles (page 4-1).
If hoses are damaged or leaking, repair or replace hoses
(page 4-609).
Check four pusher axle brake chambers (7) for damage, clogs, or sticking
Step 10.
parts (page 4-1).
If brake chambers are damaged, clogged, or sticking, clean or
replace (page 4-692).
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