TM 9-1425-465-L
(3) Determine if local keypunch support is available. If so, arrange to have the DA Form 4569 keypunched. If
no keypunch support exists, follow the procedures in paragraph (4) below.
(a) Deliver the punched cards and a completed Data Message Form 1392 to your TCC for transmission
in a "card-to-card" (CC) format.
(b) Be sure that Commander, AG Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220
appears on the "To" line of the DD Form 173.
(4) If local keypunch support is not available or if only teletype transmission capability exists, complete a Joint
Message form, DD Form 173. DD Form 173 must be prepared in four copies (original plus three carbons). Do not use
OCR versions of the DD Form 173.
(a) Attach completed coding sheets (DA Form 4569) to the DD Form 173.
(b) Deliver both forms to your servicing TCC for transmission in a "teletype-to-card" (TC) format.
(c) Insure that the appropriate Army Publications Center (Baltimore, or St. Louis) appears on the "TO"
line of the DD Form 173.
(d) If TCC support is not available, complete a Disposition Form, DA Form 2496. Mail the DF and the
coding sheets to the Army Publications Center. The Center will keypunch your requisition and process it through the
resupply program. Forms containing errors will be returned to you by mall for correction and resubmission.
c. The AUTODIN User's Manual, Misc. Pub. 18, 1 October 1977, should be consulted for further instructions. This
manual will be incorporated in a future revision of DA Pamphlet 310-10 by the Army Publications Directorate. Additional
copies of the User's Manual may be requisitioned under the nomenclature of MISC PUB 18 from Commander, AG
Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220. Consult local library personnel for further
information concerning AUTODIN.
All Army Publication Account holders must submit account numbers on requisitions. Non-
account holders must establish an account and obtain an account number in order to submit
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