TM 9-1375-213-12-3
TO 11A20-15-1
greatly extend the shelf life of the batteries and
they will have more power available when put
into service. Wrap the batteries in plastic and
a. General. The components of the M122
seal with tape prior to refrigeration storage.
are expensive electronic devices and are
Take the batteries from the refrigerator at least
designed to initiate explosives remotely, This
two hours before use to allow them to adjust to
makes secure storage necessary.
the warmer room temperatures.
b. Components.
(1) . NEVER store either transmitter or
receiver with battery installed for more than a
Carrying case with one transmitter, 10 receiv-
ers and all necessary batteries,
few days. This is especially important in hot
weather when batteries are prone to leakage.
Weight -------------------------- 35 lb (16.6 kg)
(2) Provide the best cool, dry storage
Cube ---------------------------- 2.75 cu ft (0.08 cu
available. Whenever possible, store M122 com-
ponents in the fitted carrying case.
place one or two fresh desic-
extended storage
cant (silica gel) bags in the carrying case, if avail-
DOT shipping class, etc., not applicable, item
contains no explosives.
able. Always assure the case's air valve is
(3) Use a plastic bag to wrap individual
components to be stored for an extended
period. If available, pack a fresh desiccant bag
with each component.
Data above are for the carrying case
without overpack. Data for overpacked
box (as issued) are given in tabulated
c. Batteries. If available, use a refrigerator
data, paragraph 1-11.
for long-term storage of batteries. This will
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