![]() TM 9-1300-277
to the Secretary of the Army in accordance with DoD
Directive 4115.1 and ASPR.
(13) Assign,
development, military and civilian personnel to positions
established by the Secretary of the Army as set forth in
(4) Use the military standard logistics data
C-5a(21), above.
systems prescribed by DoD Directive 4000.25 in
transactions on assigned ammunition with the Secretary
of the Army (C-5a(9), above).
(14) Arrange for services with the Secretary of
the Army through interservice support established in
accordance with DoD Directive 4000.19 as follows:
(5) Participate with the Secretary of the Army
in establishing and maintaining the quality assurance
program set forth in C-5a(3), above).
(a) Fabrication
ammunition (C-5a(22) (a), above).
(6) Provide instructions and resources to the
Secretary of the Army for transportation of their assets
(b) Limited
from the wholesale inventory (C-5a(8) (c), above) and
personnel and military units CC-5a(22)(b), above).
for maintenance/renovation of their assets in the
wholesale inventory (C-5a(8)(d), above).
(15) Retain responsibility for the following:
(7) Transfer their industrial facilities involved
(a) RDT&E of ammunition developed
in manufacturing assigned ammunition to the Secretary
by their Military Services, including test and evaluation
of the Army for management as set forth in C-5a(5),
of any developmental ammunition fabricated by the
Secretary of the Army (C-5a(22)(a), above).
(8) Transfer their installations and facilities,
(b) Overall configuration management
or parts of them, involved in receipt, storage, issue,
and control in accordance with DoD Directive 5010.19
and overall quality assurance in accordance with DoD
assigned ammunition to the Secretary of the Army for
Directive 4155.1 (Quality Assurance) for ammunition
management as set forth in C-5a(8), above.
developed by their Military Services for its life cycle.
(9) Transfer
(c) Determining their requirement as to
quantities of assigned ammunition to be procured by the
manufacturing assigned ammunition to the Secretary of
Secretary of the Army as set forth in C-5a(1), above and
the Army for management as set forth in C-5a(10),
the planning, programming, and budgeting for these
requirements as set forth in C-5b(17)(a), below.
(10) Collaborate with the Secretary of the
(d) Inventory management world-wide
Army on the manufacturing technology program set
of their retail inventories on ammunition in accordance
forth in C-5a(6), above and in industrial preparedness
with DoD Directive 4140.1. The retail inventories
production planning as set forth in C-5a (7), above.
consist of all their ammunition world-wide that is not
included in the wholesale inventory in CONUS as
(11) Conduct, in collaboration with the
managed and defined in C-5a(18), above.
Secretary of the Army, advance procurement planning
for their ammunition in accordance with ASPR and
(e) All other functions assigned by DoD
negotiations of initial production contracts for
Directive 5100.1 (Functions of the Department of
ammunition when the procedures of ASPR 3-108 are
Defense and Its Major Components) and not specifically
assigned to the Secretary of the Army by this Directive.
(12) Collaborate with the Secretary of the
(16) Assist the Secretary of the Army in
Army throughout RDT&E of their ammunition and on
preparing program changes necessary to implement this
assigned ammunition already in use as set forth in C-5a
assignment as set forth in C-5a(23), above.
(1), above.
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