![]() TM 9-1300-277
e. Loaded filter batts and unreclaimable dregs
c. The drained water goes through a hydrosieve
from the explosives settling tanks are disposed of by
and a clarifier, then to a clearwell for recycle back to the
Burning, either on a burning ground or in a suitable
pump. The ejected, granular , explosive/water slurry is
collected in a fume and poured into lined boxes. It is
sold drained but wet (about 15% water) without further
processing for commercial purposes. The empty cases
f. The APF 1300 Washout System has been
are than flashed or burned out to remove residual
designed for explosive fills of TNT, Comp B (TNT-BDX),
explosive or propellant. It is recommended that all
and Tritonal (TNT-A1). TNT, Comp B, and Tritonal
reclaimed or scrap material be inspected for
have been successfully pelletized.
explosives/contamination prior to reuse or transfer to the
Defense Property Disposal Officer or to Inert Storage
g. Most of the APE 1300 Washout plants are in
Area. Certification or scrap metal should be made in
layaway for lack of workload. The older ones are being
accordance with DOD 4160.21-M-1.
modernized by the addition of such refinements as W-
bottom tanks to handle Comp E, twin settling tank
d. Another hogout facility is operated at NOS
eductors and water-flushed. pump seals. Plants are
Indian Head at ∼ 5000 psi for the removal of propellant
expected to be equipped eventually with carbon column
from rocket and missile motors.
final water filters prior to being placed in operation.
h. The APE 1300 System is described in detail in
an Army Technical Manual, "Operation and
a. Steamout is an alternate method of removing
Maintenance-Ammunition Explosives Washout and
explosive fillers. Steamout is similar to hot water
Reclamation System -APE 1300 Revision No. 2, 1
washout in that both processes essentially melt out: TNT
February 1974." Air pollution is discussed in Ch. III.
fillers from large-caliber projectiles, bombs, and other
There are two important differences:
Steamout is pretty well limited to TNT-only fillers since it
lacks the erosive action of the pressurized jetting tot
water. There is less water to dispose of from steamout
a. High pressure washout may be used on large
than washout.
projectiles, bombs, and rocket motors. High pressure
washout- also called hogout - is not widely used. There
b. The steamout process at. Crane AAA handles
are at least two operational facilities and there are
large items such as 250 to 1000 pound bombs, mines,
others either in layaway or under reconstruction. This
depth charges torpedo warheads, and smaller items
technique has been applied more to the removal of
such as 5-inch and 120mm shells. The large items are
propellant from large rocket motors than to the removal
placed on an inclined cradle, and 5 to 15 psi steam is
of explosive fills from projectiles. The most illustrative
jetted, in to melt out the fill. Two lances are used, the
example was at Crane AAA for the removal of HE from
first with an axial jet and a second with side jets. The
3-inch to 6-inch projectiles.
molten slurry is collected in a jacketed pipe header with
rubber connectors, flows to an agitated kettle, and
b. In the Crane process, a defused 5-inch (for
thence to corrugated cooling pans. The pans are held in
example) projectile is clamped into an approximately
a vented and heated hood until the water is all
horizontal cradle, and a water lance penetrates into the
evaporated, and are then cooled to allow, the explosive
cavil.> as the fill is washed out by a 9000 psi axial water
to solidify. The solidified explosive is broken into
jet. Afterwards, the partially washed-out projectile its
chunks, then boxed and shipped out. The empty metal
moved to a second station, identical to the first, except
case is steamed again on a vertical cradle to remove
that the lance has to lateral jets instead of an axial jet;
any remaining explosive as, well as the asphalt liner, if
this washes out the fill adhering to the sides of the
there is one. The sludge from this final steaming is
projectile, At both stations, the projectile is rotated
burned. It is recommended that all reclaimed or scrap
during washing.
material be inspected for explosives/
Change 2
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