![]() TM 9-1300-277
conveyor. The machine has its own shield for protection
i. The Large Item Debanding Machine (APE 1212)
of the operators. The drive has a variable speed control
has been designed to remove the rotating band from
which provides a production of 4 to 10 rounds per
155mm through 280mm projectiles.
Although the
minute. Accessories can be designed for this machine
production is low, economic analysis has proven that the
to pull apart Navy munitions.
sale of gilding metal acquired from the large projectiles
will amortize the operation.
c. The two Spindle Defuzing Machine (APE-1002)
is designed to remove the fuze, either base or point
j. The Hand Grenade Defuzing Machine (APE
detonating, and tracer from the projectile when the
1202 or APE 2156) with proper accessories can be used
disassembly torque exceeds the assembly torque or the
to remove the fuze from all hand grenades within the
operation is considered hazardous. Accessories are
Army inventory.
availabile to perform this work on all projectiles within
the Army inventory and accessories can be designed to
k. Fuze Disassembly Machine (APE 1118) is
accommodate Navy munitions.
designed to remove the booster assembly from the fuze
and/or the booster cup from the booster body. By
d. The Rocket Disassembly Machine (APE 1215)
separating the booster cup from the booster housing, the
is used to disassemble the 3.5 inch rocket. The
booster can be processed through the Deactivation
machine will separate the 3.5 inch component at any
Furnace at a high production rate. Shearing of the
point required by making the required jaw adjustments.
booster on the fuze, however, will also produce an item
Complete disassembly will produce four components:
that can be processed in the furnace at a high rate. This
the motor, fuze, detonator, and the warhead. The
shearing operation will produce approximately twice the
machine is capable of disassembling the 66mm LAW
production rate of the APE 1118, requiring only one
Rocket and accessories are available for this round.
l. The Vertical Disassembly Machine (APE 1153)
e. The Vertical Disassembly Machine (APE 1227)
is designed to remove fuzes and fin assemblies from
is designed and used to remove the boom assembly
mortars and projectiles. This is a low production
from the Cartridge, 90mm: Practice, M371 and Heat,
machine, single station, remotely controlled, and it is the
only machine available for removal of the fin assembly
from mortars.
f. The Automatic Deprime Machine (APE 1229) is
designed to remove screw or press type primers from
cartridge cases ranging in size from 40mm through
Washout by APE 1300 Ammunition Washout
106mm (except 105mm cartridge cases with the M80,
and Reclamation System:
M83, and M86 primers). The accessories for deprime of
Navy munitions, up to the Navy 5-inch cartridge case,
have been designed and are available. A machine for
a. The Washout Plant is a standard APE item
depriming the 105mm cartridge cases with the M80,
designed and specified in detail, by the U.S. Army
M83, M86 primer, and all large Navy cartridge cases is
Directorate for Ammunition Equipment (D/AE) located at
presently under development.
Tooele Army Depot. It usually consists of a 4500 square
foot building (all of whose details are included in the
specifications) containing a water heater, wash racks,
g. The Debanding Machine (APE 1042) is for
explosive reclamation and packaging sections, and
removal of the rotating banding from 57 through 120mm
water reclamation facilities. Basically, hot water is
injected under -90 psi pressure into the cavity of an
opened and up-ended projectile or bomb, melting out
h. Debanding Machine (APE 1208) is a high
the fill and washing the metal case clean (figs. 6-1
production machine and should be used in place of the
through 6-3).
APE 1042 when it is available. This machine can be
designed, together with accessories, to remove the
b. In operation, ammunition items
rotating band from Navy munitions.
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