![]() TM 9-1300-277
Table 4-2. Disposal Accessories and Equipment-Continued
Crimper, Blasting Cap, M2
Used to squeeze the shell of
non-electric blasting cap around
time blasting fuse or detonating
cord, and to cut time blasting
fuse and detonating cord.
Galvanometer, Testing
Testing electrical firing
Knife, Pocket
Machine, Blasting, 10 Cap
Electric firing system initiator.
Machine, Blasting, 10 Cap, M32
Electric firing system initiator.
Machine, Blasting, 50 Cap
Electric firing system initiator.
Machine, Blasting, 50 Cap, M34
Electric firing system initiator.
Tape, Computing, Demolition
Tape, Insulation, Electrical,
Adhesive, 3/4-inch wide
Tape, Pressure Sensitive
Adhesive, 2-inch wide
Test Set, Blasting Cap
Testing electrical firing systems,
Twine, Hemp, #18 8-oz ball
with pressure-sensitive adhesive tape on one surface,
(3) Charge, assembly, demolition, M183 (fig.
protected by a peelable paper cover. This charge is an
improved version of the conventional M5A1 block
16 block demolition charges M112 and 4 priming
demolition charge and replaces it as the standard item
assemblies M15 for a total explosive weight of 20
of issue. The M112 block demolition charge is used in
pounds. The demolition blocks are packed in two M5
the same manner as the M5A1 block demolition charge
Charge Bags, 8 blocks per bag, and the assembly is
and is of a more efficient shape and handier size.
placed in an M85 canvas carrying case. Each priming
assembly consists of a 5-foot length of detonating cord
with an RDX booster crimped to each end and a pair of
detonating cord clips M1 for attaching the priming
assembly to a detonating cord main line. This assembly
replaces the M37 demolition charge assembly as the
standard item of issue. The M183 charge assembly can
be lashed or otherwise used as a whole unit, or
individual 1-1/4 pound M112 block charges can be
removed from the carrying case and charge bags and
used separately. For detonation of munitions, any
number of assemblies can be attached and prepared for
simultaneous detonation as required by the individual
item DMWR.
Figure 4-2. M112 demolition charge.
(4) Charge, assembly, demolition, M37 (fig.
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