![]() TM 9-1300-277
prior to detonation. The signal for detonation shall be
(2) Danger signs with the legend EXPLOSIVE
given by the supervisor after all personnel are protected
DISPOSAL RANGE-KEEP OUT imprinted on them, will
by cover or have reached a safe distance. Safe
be posted at the entrances and at 152 meters (500-foot
distances will be observed by all personnel.
intervals) around the perimeter of the range. The signs
will be multilingual when necessary and of sufficient size
to incorporate the legend in 5 centimeters (two-inch) red
(6) If a hazardous situation is encountered, all
letters on the white background.
operations in the immediate vicinity will be shut down,
and personnel evacuated to a safe location. Operations
(3) Guards, safety signal, and warning signals
will not be resumed until the hazard has been
will be used as required to keep unauthorized personnel
eliminated. Prompt action will be taken to control any
from danger areas during destruction operations.
(7) The demilitarization/ disposal of munitions
c. In areas where demilitarization/disposal ranges
by burning or detonation involves the release of toxic
are not under constant control of U.S. Armed Forces,
fumes. A covered pit may limit the range of fragments
the following safety requirements will be strictly adhered
but the control of fumes is dependent upon a number of
factors, each of which must be carefully assessed for
(1) Prior to starting demilitarization/disposal
the particular material being destroyed at the time and
operations, the disposal range will be searched for
place the operation is conducted.
unauthorized personnel.
(8) No demilitarization/ disposal operation will
(2) Guards will be posted to prevent entry into
be conducted during an electrical storm or when such a
the area prior to and throughout the demilitarization/
storm is approaching within 5 kilometers (3 miles).
disposal operation. Guards will be afforded adequate
Additionally, disposal by detonation using an electrical
protection from fragments.
firing system will not be conducted during sand, dust, or
snow storms.
d. A first aid kit, NSN 6545-00-116-1410, or
(9) Demilitarization/disposal by open burning
suitable substitute, will be available during disposal
will not be conducted when wind velocity exceeds 15
operations. An ambulance or first aid vehicle, manned
miles per hour.
by personnel trained to handle casualties that may occur
during demilitarization/ disposal of specific munitions,
will be on hand. Type of equipment for specific
a. TM 9-1300-206 provides information concerning
munitions being demilitarized/disposed of will be
hazards to personnel and damage to facilities that may
coordinated with the Base Medical Facility.
be expected at given distances. These distances do not
e. A means of communication with both base
provide protection to personnel in the open from
facilities and demilitarization/ disposal personnel will be
fragments and debris.
established. Communication may be by the most
b. The minimum required signs or warning devices
convenient method (radio, telephone, walkie-talkie,
at the entrances and around the perimeter of the
etc.), but the equipment used will be in good working
demilitarization/disposal are as follows:
order prior to commencing any operation.
(1) Red range flag to be flown or a rotating
applicable safety distances for electromagnetic devices
red beacon light be in operation during demilitarization/
in TM 9-1300-206 will be followed.
disposal operations and removed only after the range
f. A pit should be used to limit fragments when
has been declared safe. The flag will be a minimum of
demilitarizing by detonation.
0.9 2-2 meters (three feet) wide by 1.5 meters (five feet)
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