![]() TM 9-1300-277
(a) Ensure the existence of necessary
and-compelling reasons before granting waivers to Q-D
a. General. The mandatory requirements and
advisory provisions set forth in this manual apply to
each command, unit, activity, and facility where
(b) Grant waivers to Q-D standards for-
commanders are charged with the responsibility for
installations and activities within their areas of authority.
safety and are implemented by DARCOM-R 385-100
d. Requests for Waivers.
and TM 9-1300-206.
(1) General. Commanders of installations,
b. Mandatory Requirements. Mandatory require-
activities, and other ammunition locations will submit
ments are those in which the terms "shall", "will", or
requests for waivers through command channels. This
"must" are used. The advisory provisions include the
will be done when Q-D standards cannot be achieved.
terms "should" or "may".
When such waivers impact on other commands,
c. Waivers. Waiver actions regarding deviation
initiating activities will coordinate requests with these
from mandatory standards of this manual other than
local commands. Requests for waivers will include
ammunition and explosive quantity-distance standards
copies for intermediate commands.
shall be submitted through channels to the appropriate
commanders will coordinate with other affected MACOM
major CONUS or overseas commander for review and
commanders before granting waivers.
approval. All approved waivers shall be granted for
(2) Requirements. Requests for waivers will
definite periods not exceeding one year and shall be
contain the following minimum information:
reviewed annually by the submitting installation or
(a) Description of conditions. This will
activity to determine whether current conditions warrant
include maps showing distances to internal and external
continuation or modification of the wavier. Waiver
exposures, location of personnel, facilities exposed, and
renewal requests must be submitted when extensions
quantity and type or class of ammunition or explosives.
are necessary. The only exception to the above is for
(b) Safety regulations that will be
ammunition and explosives quantity-distance conditions.
violated, and reasons.
Waivers for Q-D shall be treated as follows:
(c) Specific time period for the waiver.
(1) The Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (CSA) is
(d) Safety precautions during the period
the controlling authority for granting waivers of Q-D
of waiver.
safety standards for ammunition and explosives. This
(e) Development of a waiver plan. This
authority is redelegated by this regulation to:
will include milestones, resources, and actions planned
(a) Commanders of major Army
to eliminate the need for the waiver.
commands-(MACOMS) in CONUS.
(3) Submission.
Requests for waivers will be
(b) Overseas theater commanders.
forwarded as shown below.
(c) The Chief, National Guard Bureau
(a) Within CONUS, through command
channels to the CONUS MACOM commanders.
(2) This authority will not be redelegated
(b) Within
through command channels to MACOM and theater
(3) Commanders to whom waiver authority is
delegated (per (a) above) will:
(c) Within ARNG to CNGB.
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