![]() TM 9-1300-275/3
projectiles may contain explosive com-
ponents, they should not be subjected
to rough handling, static electricity,
or high temperatures.
23.5 Safing Procedures. (Consider the fuze un-
2-3.5.1 Pack a leaky projectile into an M494 or
similar container, to prevent release of the agent.
Secure the container for shipment.
2-3.5.2 As an alternative, locate the site of the
leak and apply a patch or patches. Repack for
2-3.6 Suggested Equipment.
a. Appropriate decontaminant.
b. The toxic agent patching kit.
c. A wrecking bar for dismantling pallets or
d. Metal cutting shears for cutting metal straps.
2-4 MARK 94, MOD O, 500-POUND GAS
2-4.1 Identification of Gas Bomb.
This D.O.T. Class A poison is a modified MK 82,
GP (low-Drag) 500-pound bomb containing toxic
chemical fillers. The modification is most apparent
directly aft of the forward lifting lug. This is
where the filling hole cover piate is clearly visible.
The chemical version can be identified by the three
green bands around its center (fig. 2-16).
2-4.1.1 Dimensions and Weights.
a. Length: 58 inches without tail fin.
b. Maximum Diameter: 10.8 inches.
c. Weight: 441 Pounds.
d. Agent Weight: 112 Pounds of GB.
Figure 2-11. M55 Rocket and Shipping Container.
2-4.1.2 Shipping Configuration.
Normally, the bomb is shipped in the M410 ship-
2-3.2 Hazards.
ping and storage container (fig. 2-17). This con-
a. Chemical agent leaks from seams around
tainer is 75 inches long, 23 inches wide, and 21
fuze adapter, or lifting plug or inspection port of
inches high. Its loaded weight is 554 pounds.
lifting plug.
b. The explosive burster.
2-4.2 Hazards.
c. The explosive fuze.
Chemical agent leaks from seams, fuze wells, and
2-3.3 Principles of Operation.
filling hole cover plate of the bomb. M410 con-
tainer leaks from sampling port, valves, or seams.
Projectile fuzes arm from forces developed during
Corners of main seams are most susceptible to
firing. When the fuze functions, the burster shat-
ters the projectiles, dispersing the chemical-agent
2-4.3 Principles of Operation.
2-3.4 Safety Precautions.
When the bomb is ready to be deployed, it is re-
moved from its container and fitted with tail
fins, burster, tail and nose fuzes, and arming
Since the burster in this ammunition is
wires. Since these items are not shipped in the
often tetryl, do not handle it in tem-
M410 container with the bomb, a description of
peratures above 125F. Since these
them and their functions is not necessary.
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